Hi Folks,
Do any of you know whether will the NEW "E.T." movie be on DVD???
It's available on COMCAST TV, Pay-Per-View since Christmas, 2019.
It's about a grown up Elliot who has a family, and they met E.T. who
came back!!!
You get it??? Have you seen it??? I only saw the sneak preview.
My sister want to see the NEW "E.T." and I told her that hopefully it
will be on DVD either this spring or summer????
Hope all helps with answers.

Do any of you know whether will the NEW "E.T." movie be on DVD???
It's available on COMCAST TV, Pay-Per-View since Christmas, 2019.
It's about a grown up Elliot who has a family, and they met E.T. who
came back!!!
You get it??? Have you seen it??? I only saw the sneak preview.
My sister want to see the NEW "E.T." and I told her that hopefully it
will be on DVD either this spring or summer????
Hope all helps with answers.