The Office


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Mar 20, 2004
Lacombe La
The Office is easily one of the top three shows on network TV. Love it, love it, love it.

C'mon whos with me?
But have you seen the REAL run of The Office? The UK version is absolutely terrific. Ricky Gervais (Star of the Origional Office) and his producer came to the US to get our version up and running. The US version is good - but do yourself a favor and PLEASE watch the UK version if you haven't all ready.

Yes, I am with you. Funny, funny stuff.

NOHDjunkie said:
The Office is easily one of the top three shows on network TV. Love it, love it, love it.

C'mon whos with me?
I liked last season better.

seems there more drama than comedy in this show now
gross67 said:
But have you seen the REAL run of The Office? The UK version is absolutely terrific. Ricky Gervais (Star of the Origional Office) and his producer came to the US to get our version up and running. The US version is good - but do yourself a favor and PLEASE watch the UK version if you haven't all ready.

Yes, I am with you. Funny, funny stuff.

Got it on DVD. Seen them all.
Well, I guess I'm the only one with you, NOHDjunkie.

Since "Arrested Development" is off the air, as far as new eps are concerned, "The Office" is my fave and the best sitcom on network TV, IMO.
I agree the UK ones were funny but there were only twelve episodes.

The US version was created with Ricky Gervais and many episodes were copies of the UK version. (If not all twelve)

The US version took off and reamins a very funny show.
I only just started watching the third season (never watched it before), and I find that it is sometimes hillarious; and sometimes just ok. I am also watching Arrested Development on HdNet, and find that to be very funny.
I found that for me there was an adjustment period for "The Office" before it went from being OK to a show I truly look forward to every week. "Arrested Development" was a show I enjoyed from the pilot, love at first sight.
bidger` said:
I found that for me there was an adjustment period for "The Office" before it went from being OK to a show I truly look forward to every week. "Arrested Development" was a show I enjoyed from the pilot, love at first sight.
right with you on that!!! love the office, think its great, but AD, wow!! thats up there with all in the family in my book. never seen uk office, will see if its om bbc america.. but im with you jim, best comedy on tv now..... curb if it comes back will give it a run though.
well yeah. Like my newest pet peave is that people seem to be all fired up about King Kong coming out on HD DVD. I absolutely hated that movie and can't believe there is a clamor for it. C'est la vie.
NOHDjunkie said:
well yeah. Like my newest pet peave is that people seem to be all fired up about King Kong coming out on HD DVD. I absolutely hated that movie and can't believe there is a clamor for it. C'est la vie.

Yeah, I agree. Horrible movie. Could not get through it. But to get back to the thread's topic, I am enjoying The Office. The "Gay Witch Hunt" episode to start the season hooked me in.
While the Office is unbelievably un-pc, it provides a ton of laughs every week. THis week with Jim dressing as Dwight and then Dwight dressing as Jim was hillarious.
I realized tonight that one hour is actually 20 minutes too much of the Office, but it was a good season finale, not hillarious, but good. And I was glad to see Jim and Pam finally move forward; its about time.

anybody have any "Schrutbucks" they want to trade? ;) :D :D :D

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