I switched to YTTV after 20 months with PS Vue. It was, and still is, $10 less per month for me (I'm grandfathered in at the $35/mo. price); it almost never buffers -- the handful of times it did, it was likely an issue with my ISP; and the price includes all the sports channels that are in higher tiers with Vue. The cons are a more restrictive DVR policy (most recorded prime shows are switched with a VoD version with forced commercials), more cumbersome UI (fewer short-cut buttons on Roku); and slightly poorer picture quality -- not bad, but not as good as PS Vue was on my PS4, even as more channels are being upgraded to 60 fps on YTTV. I don't need HGTV, Food Network, Discovery Channels, and NFL Network, which YTTV lacks. But the Tennis Channel (on YTTV) is among my most watched channels right now. So your preference may ultimately depend on your must-have channels.