Tigers Hot Stove Discussion

Paul Wozniak

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Oct 26, 2005
Mike Ilitch has gone on record, saying he would spend the money. So who he should he spend it on? Who is trade bait? What positions do we need to upgrade? Personnaly I would like to see a middle of the lineup stud of the LH variety.
Really only two things they MUST do, evaluate free agents for 1B and 3B. Casey is again a free agent, and Shelton is the man of the future, but is the future really now? Inge has been around along time, and has good range, but still has too many mistakes (just look at the playoffs) and is a terrible hitter.

Try to shore up their middle relief, they showed weakness when the injuries started in August.

All in all, I just see increases in ticket prices and a few modest free agent signings. I dont' see major changes this off season.
Ithink Shelton to be trade bait. What about the possibility of moving Guillen to first, and finding a new SS? Inge and Guillen had 50+ errors between them. As for middle relief, we have a lot of candidates in house.
Really only two things they MUST do, evaluate free agents for 1B and 3B. Casey is again a free agent, and Shelton is the man of the future, but is the future really now? Inge has been around along time, and has good range, but still has too many mistakes (just look at the playoffs) and is a terrible hitter.

Try to shore up their middle relief, they showed weakness when the injuries started in August.

All in all, I just see increases in ticket prices and a few modest free agent signings. I dont' see major changes this off season.

What??? Inge did not have an error filled post season. I only recall one. He has been heralded through out the major leagues as being in the top 5 third basemen in the league. His hitting for average brings him down to the bottom of third basemen in the league, but his 27 homers bring him to the top 6. INGE STAYS!!!

Like you I do not believe that we will see a major trade. When Illitch says he is going to spend some money, he means on a free agent, not a trade. Now that Detroit is looked at as a place where free agents want to come we will not have to beg free agents to come here, ala Juan Gonzales.

Any Left Handed Hitting free agnet, knows that Detroit is looking for them. And to that left handed hitter, they know that they are the key peice to making this team great. The problem is that there is no great SS or 3B free agent that is batting lefty. You could add Aramis Ramirez from the Cubs to 3B and move Inge to 1B, but that does not solve the issue with Guillen losing his range.

There is two logical solutions I see taking shape. Either Detroit adds Aramis Ramirez at 3B and moves Inge to 1B, and they add Frank Thomas. Or they Play Ramon Santiago at SS full time, move Guillen to 1B and still pick up Frank Thomas.

Either way, the left handed bat is hard to find in the majors right now through Free Agency, and I believe Casey will be gone, to another AL team if they pay more than Detroit. And Detroit is not offering Casey the amount of money they would to a player that is their first choice.

I think you leave the pitching alone, it will only improve next year with Maroth back, and you can move Robertson to the Pen.
Our catcher is a free agent.

Pudge has been our best catcher for the longest. We need him.

You guys can have anyone else in our organization sans Blalock, Young, or Texiera. :)
We'll take him back down here in Florida if ya don't want him?:up ;)

Maybe next year! He is under contract for 2007, and then he is a free agent. Pudge is starting to show his age behind the plate. He used to have that wicked "snap throw" to first after catching pitches. He would use it three or four times a game, but this year we have hardly seen it. I know in the post season, he did not use it at all. He also goes through 3 or 4 slumps during the year at the plate.
What??? Inge did not have an error filled post season. I only recall one. He has been heralded through out the major leagues as being in the top 5 third basemen in the league. His hitting for average brings him down to the bottom of third basemen in the league, but his 27 homers bring him to the top 6. INGE STAYS!!!

Like you I do not believe that we will see a major trade. When Illitch says he is going to spend some money, he means on a free agent, not a trade. Now that Detroit is looked at as a place where free agents want to come we will not have to beg free agents to come here, ala Juan Gonzales.

Any Left Handed Hitting free agnet, knows that Detroit is looking for them. And to that left handed hitter, they know that they are the key peice to making this team great. The problem is that there is no great SS or 3B free agent that is batting lefty. You could add Aramis Ramirez from the Cubs to 3B and move Inge to 1B, but that does not solve the issue with Guillen losing his range.

There is two logical solutions I see taking shape. Either Detroit adds Aramis Ramirez at 3B and moves Inge to 1B, and they add Frank Thomas. Or they Play Ramon Santiago at SS full time, move Guillen to 1B and still pick up Frank Thomas.

Either way, the left handed bat is hard to find in the majors right now through Free Agency, and I believe Casey will be gone, to another AL team if they pay more than Detroit. And Detroit is not offering Casey the amount of money they would to a player that is their first choice.

I think you leave the pitching alone, it will only improve next year with Maroth back, and you can move Robertson to the Pen.
NO WAY do I want Frank Thomas...

Keep Pudge and Inge
Talk I have heard is maybe Mark Teixeira at 1B, don't know how true it is, maybe wishful thinking, I also could not find if he is a FA or not.

I would also leave Guillen at SS
Unfortunatly, Sean Casey will more than likely be gone, we need him or another proffesional hitter as well.

Guys< I KNOW how Pudge came here, I want to know how he left TEXAS. For the record , I like Inge, and Pudge isn't going anywhere either. But you guys are fooling yourselves if you think Dombrowski isn't considering any trades. Jimbo, I'm with you, I dont want Frank Thomas either. Choke city in the ALCS.
Pudge left Texas as a free agent.

Dombrowski may trade if he can get a decent deal. The problem with trading, is the contracts on the players that they are protected by. Other wise I would say let's deal for Alex Rodriguez and move Guillen to 1B, and let A rod play SS like he is comfortable with.

Dombrowski believes in his farm system, that is what got us all these young pitchers, Inge, Granderson, and Monroe.

Without a salary cap in the MLB, Dombrowski believes in picking up players through free agency, and having a strong farm system. He did this in Minnesota, Florida, and now Detroit. I can not think of any trades besides the Weaver & Bonderman three way deal he has done. Guillen, Rogers, Ordornez, Polanco, Casey, and Pudge have all been picked up on waivers or free agency. He jsut does not believe in trading!
He left Texas as a free agent because our owner is a complete moron. We're the reason A-Rod's salary is so damn high. Because of A-Rod, we couldn't afford to keep Pudge.

I'd take Pudge over Gay-Rod any day.
He left Texas as a free agent because our owner is a complete moron. We're the reason A-Rod's salary is so damn high. Because of A-Rod, we couldn't afford to keep Pudge.

I'd take Pudge over Gay-Rod any day.

Just so your not blaming A-Rod for this contract he has, your owner is the one that decided to bid against himself for A-Rod, probably could have had him for around 16 back then.

Joe, Polanco came here in a trade (robbery) for a reliever, his name escapes me. I think it was Uribe. Also Miner andColon obtained in a trade with ATL. for another reliever, who's name is right on the tip of my brain (narrow perch). Also Monroe was originaly in Texas I believe, possibly picked from the waiver wire.
Joedecock, you can also add Tiger of the year, Carlos Guillen, to the list of players who were aquirred through trade. Odly enough, one of the players traded for Guillen was Ramon Santiago, who is back with the team.

Well, True to his word Mr Illich has stepped up with his money again.
The Tigers just aquired Gary Sheffield, now they have a BIG stick in the middle of the line up, and I think there will be more to come.
Not the Lh thumper I wanted, but I'm sure you are right, Jimbos. None the less, a great addition to the lineup, which should insure Ordonez more pitches to hit. Added plus is that Sheff has great respect for Leyland and wont be a clubhouse cancer. Price was right also, (None of the pitchers traded figured into Tiger's plans in the next 2 yrs.) Well done Mr. Dombrowski. This should keep us competitive the next couple seasons in baseball's toughest division.
Not the Lh thumper I wanted, but I'm sure you are right, Jimbos. None the less, a great addition to the lineup, which should insure Ordonez more pitches to hit. Added plus is that Sheff has great respect for Leyland and wont be a clubhouse cancer. Price was right also, (None of the pitchers traded figured into Tiger's plans in the next 2 yrs.) Well done Mr. Dombrowski. This should keep us competitive the next couple seasons in baseball's toughest division.

Yes Shef has a lot of respect for Leyland and Dombrowski, I really believe that, that IS a big reason why they went ahead and made the trade.

I just hope they don't ruin everything and sign Soriono ....:no :down


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