'Tis Only a Flesh Wound


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Staff member
Nov 3, 2005
Elk Grove, CA
Finally, Monty Python & the Holy Grail comes to Blu-ray on March 20th. I honestly don;t care about price. This is a must.

I think this is one of the first movies where the media is higher resolution than the original film! This movie was done on a budget that envied those the could afford the shoe string! The whole "coconut" thing was because they couldn't afford the horses. :)
I think this is one of the first movies where the media is higher resolution than the original film! This movie was done on a budget that envied those the could afford the shoe string! The whole "coconut" thing was because they couldn't afford the horses. :)

This is why I will wait and see what emerges. I have the DVD and have been burned several times with BluRay releases that showed little if any improvement over the earlier DVD release.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

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