To the idiots looting in th gulf...

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So longer I watch and read how catastrophic this disaster really is, I seriously wonder, if it completely wrong, to call for example the gas companies looters too, since they are the ones, who prefer to put profit on the first place, without any thoughts of moral. Making money is one thing and not wrong per se. Making it on the back of people, who really do suffer is in my opinion a crime. The word "responsibilty" should apply to everybody.
Matt said:
So longer I watch and read how catastrophic this disaster really is, I seriously wonder, if it completely wrong, to call for example the gas companies looters too, since they are the ones, who prefer to put profit on the first place, without any thoughts of moral. Making money is one thing and not wrong per se. Making it on the back of people, who really do suffer is in my opinion a crime. The word "responsibilty" should apply to everybody.

Great point. These companies are robbing far more than looters. Prices are all over the place on the same street here. from $2.85 to $3.25 a gallon yesterday. Greed is the only explaination for the disparity.
asousa said:
thats all fine and dandy....but these people are stealing GUNS and police officers are getting shot at!! thousands of guns have been stolen throughout NO. This is creating crime in that city and they should be focusing on people in need of help...not worrying about getting shot at. Now all these A$$ HOLES are armed and will eventually moving into surrounding cities where they can commit crimes there.

Well first I find the "fine and Dandy" comment condescending and reeking of an ignorance of experiencing anything like what these people are going through. Im sure some of these people havent eatin in going on 4 days. Secondly, a gun would be one of the first items I would want in this situation. I think for me those items would be in order of importance.

1. Gun. Why? to aquire the next 2 items and keep to them from others if I had too.
2. Food and water.
3. Shelter.
4. Money and valuables. How on earth do you think these people are going to pay for lodging or rent when this is over with no job?

Just what percent of the people are looting? you dont know. and what percentage of those are looting and firing weapons. You dont know that either. All you know about are these same images that the networks play over and over and over again for ratings inorder to influence your opinon of the situation. Guess what? there are people firing on policeman in every state of this nation and they are not in a disaster area. Criminals exist everywhere. But in this case they are being shown all day long on the news.
those same guns that people are stealing for "protection" are now being fired at the rescuers and the people being evacuated from the dome. So now, those thousands in need of evacuation are not being evacuated becasue people are firing at the military helicopters and starting fires around the dome.....

try to tell me that people are steeling guns for food and shelter....I THINK NOT!
I also believe that the same people stealing Tvs and jewlery and guns will be the same ones stealing food and clothing from other survivors.
Hokie, the first link had a white man and an african american woman whith light skin, granted looting is looting regardless of your skin color and your need, but what I have noticed is that in both pics that the woman is carrying bread and both her and the guy have back packs while in the other the man is carrying diet soda and several trash bags. I can say without any remorse that if my family and myself were in that same situation that I would be out daily taking food and water and diapers from the stores to make sure that my little girl is fed and clean and that my wife has food before I even think of myself.

Most if not all of the stores both chain and mom and pop are or will be contacting insurance companies and all of theyr inventories are going to be written off as lost to flood damage and to looting even before the looting began, but even so it doesnt make it right for joe schmo to improve his entertainment center by adding in a $5,000 plasma tv. My line is clearly drawn on this subject, those looting food and true needs to me should be exempt from any prosecution peridod, those looting tv's and the such should be dealt with acordingly and those looting firearms should be treated as a hostile threat and shot on site.
I was just watching some footage (rehashed, but...) and I realized that the US finally has footage that looks like the daily footage from 3rd world countries looks like. Not just the damage, but the idiots running around shooting for no reason, stealing for no reason, etc...

I realize it's a bad situation, but those people down there are a bad example of how to deal with a bad situation, period. We don't need to fight about it here...
vurbano said:
I cant support shooting the looters. These people are up to their necks in sewage and water, no clothes, no food, no power, no money, no bank, no jobs anymore. Absolutely NOTHING.

I have no problem with people taking the essentials that they need to stay alive, but if they're using the disaster as an excuse to steal TV's, computers, jewelry and such they are a valid target. One shot, one kill.
Some of these "looters" are fathers looking for food, diapers and formula for their babies. Since these people are being left behind and aren't getting any food or water from the authorities, I don't condemn them for "taking" food for their babies. I would do the same for my daughter. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Of course people stealing TVs, guns and other non-necessity items should be stopped.
bsr2002 said:
I also believe that the same people stealing Tvs and jewlery and guns will be the same ones stealing food and clothing from other survivors.
Exactly the reason to have a gun. To keep your own food and get out alive.
I really love the news I just heard. 12,000 additional National guard and 40,000 troops are coming. What about taking out 52,000 refugees instead of adding 52,000 mouths to feed cloth and shelter!
My question is why did it take the government (i.e. George Bush) until Wednesday afternoon to say or do anything? Does he not have cable (or satellite) tv at the ranch? Was he out on a two day trek looking for wood to cut? Let's face it, while thousands of Americans were dieing in this tragedy, he continued his vacation for an extra couple of days. Leadership at it's finest, yessiree!
RandallA said:
People need help now! The help response from the government has been too slow to say the least.

It's sad really. If we would have had some real leadership at the top, they would have been out Monday afternoon when the clouds first cleared on the coast saying we are going to do everything we can and things are moving in to help, instead he decided to leave his five week vacation "early" (two days after the clouds cleared) and head back to Washington to get things moving. I would love to hear someone defend the government (i.e. Georgie Boy) in waiting two days before taking action. It was like we were back on 9/11 with planes hitting the towers and he was just sitting there listening to that teacher reading the story to the kids all over again. Now, I will give him credit, at least once he got off his ass in Florida that day he did a hell of a job for about a month, but someone please explain to me why it took him two days to do anything this time? Was Rove out leaking more names of CIA agents and couldn't get him going? Please explain.
For those of you who will say that I am a complete Bush hater (and if gary shows up here, don't go there) notice I did give G.W.B. credit for something in this post.
vurbano said:
Exactly the reason to have a gun. To keep your own food and get out alive.

and to shoot at the helicopters who are trying to rescue people or overturn boats with people in wheelchairs and doctors. You really need to follow what is going on before you just start saying that everyone needs a gun. People are using this as an excuse to commit crimes...people are dying around them and they are out walking the streets being tough guys shooting and raping!!!
asousa said:
and to shoot at the helicopters who are trying to rescue people or overturn boats with people in wheelchairs and doctors. You really need to follow what is going on before you just start saying that everyone needs a gun. People are using this as an excuse to commit crimes...people are dying around them and they are out walking the streets being tough guys shooting and raping!!!

Just the reason i would want a gun!! Anyone rape a woman in my family well!! I have been through tornados and flashfloods in Texas and New Orleans. Its total crazy!! Its a bad thing all the crime being done!!
They shoot at the helicopters when they helicopter refuses to let them on board because they aren't the intended cargo at the moment. Some healthy people believe they're more important than everyone else...

The bottom line is these people STAYED for no reason. They knew bad sh*t was coming, but they didn't leave. It's the most blatant example of ignorance i've seen in a while.

Next time a hurricane shows up, and anyone stays in their house after seeing katrina (What, never seen any other hurricane's??), well, good riddance... I mean, I know there's a lot of dumb people in the world, but holly hell, c'mon...
Some of these people didn't have the means to get out, some of them tried to get out but couldn't because it was too late for them. Yes, some of them stayed to defy mother nature but some of them wanted to get out and couldn't.
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