To the idiots looting in th gulf...

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Purogamer said:
Yes I understand the concept of having nothing as I've actually been homeless in my life (and i'm only 25), and 20 miles in a day is nothing.

Like there's no way to hitch a ride with a neighbor, like people weren't getting on buses for free before it hit, like there was no possible way to leave...that's absurd.
Getting 20 miles away would have done nothing for you in this storm. Their neighbors likely wouldn't have had a car in which they could "hitch a ride" anyway. I can't believe you are actually blaming these people for their predicament. That's what's absurd here.
vurbano said:
Thats good for the poor in the Superdome but theres many idiots that they are pulling out of attics of their homes. Personally I cant remember ever meeting a homeowner that did not own a vehicle.:rolleyes:
Many of the people you see in those pictures did not own their residences. Those were likely government subsidized residences or low-cost rentals.
redhawk said:
If the Fed's weren't ready for this, what should we expect in the event of a major terrorist attack...
Exactly what we got after 9-11. Character assassination of those who said the administration was sufficiently warned, and attempts to blame the previous administration.
EEJay said:
Exactly what we got after 9-11. Character assassination of those who said the administration was sufficiently warned, and attempts to blame the previous administration.

Great idea, let's blame the previous admini...Oh wait, this is Bush's 2nd term. :D ;) :D
I personally think we should look at the Johnson administration. If they had planned better this never would have happened!
EEJay said:
Exactly what we got after 9-11. Character assassination of those who said the administration was sufficiently warned, and attempts to blame the previous administration.
which character? The compassionate one, or the "new personal accountabilty" one ????:D
EEJay said:
Many of the people you see in those pictures did not own their residences. Those were likely government subsidized residences or low-cost rentals.
You are guessing.
vurbano said:
You are guessing.
It's a better guess than believing that they are poor, could somehow still afford a home, but don't have a car.
EEJay said:
Wait, I forgot to add - :rolleyes:
Wait, I forgot to add that around here most of the govt subsidized housing inevitably has a new Mercedes parked in the driveway. That makes it even more unbelievable that they didnt have cars. I think the majority of it was just stupidity.
EEJay said:
It's a better guess than believing that they are poor, could somehow still afford a home, but don't have a car.

I dont believe that the people who died in their houses were poor, could afford a home and didnt have a car. I dont know what youve been reading but it wasnt any post of mine.:rolleyes:
vurbano said:
Thats good for the poor in the Superdome but theres many idiots that they are pulling out of attics of their homes. Personally I cant remember ever meeting a homeowner that did not own a vehicle.:rolleyes:
This was your response to redhawk's post of "What if you had no car/truck? Understand the concept of having nothing???"

And let me know where you live. I'd really like that new Mercedes with my government subsidized house.
EEJay said:
This was your response to redhawk's post of "What if you had no car/truck? Understand the concept of having nothing???"

And let me know where you live. I'd really like that new Mercedes with my government subsidized house.
Thats right SParky. He was correct for those in the superdome. But not for the homeowners that stayed and died or are trapped in their roofs:rolleyes: As for the new mercedes, It helps if you are a single black mother. They build a new house in a poor neighborhood in the name of urban redevelopment, give it to you at about 1% interest, no qualifying, nothing down. Your live in BF then buys the car ;)
OK, we're both confused at the point the other is trying to get across at this time. Thanks for debating this with me. I do like to hear other people's viewpoints.
vurbano said:
Thats right SParky. He was correct for those in the superdome. But not for the homeowners that stayed and died or are trapped in their roofs:rolleyes: As for the new mercedes, It helps if you are a single black mother. They build a new house in a poor neighborhood in the name of urban redevelopment, give it to you at about 1% interest, no qualifying, nothing down. Your live in BF then buys the car ;)

Vurbano Never mind. We all have our rights to our thoughts. The single Black mother comment!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Well again you are the way you are but that it f**king BS!!
sorry you are upset but its true. Its a local/state program here. I could take some pictures of these houses if you like.
I wonder why no newspaper reporter are writing articles about the governor standing in the way, i.e creating a road block to relief efforts by denying the federal government control over national guard troops? They would be feasting on the White republican President's carcass if this were the other way aound. Yet this democratic female governor must be off limits?
BlackHitachi said:
Vurbano Never mind. We all have our rights to our thoughts. The single Black mother comment!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Well again you are the way you are but that it f**king BS!!
Sorry. I suppose it is open to white mothers too. It doesnt happen though because the construction of the houses are all in black neighborhoods. So when it happens it just looks that way. It may not be intended to be just for them but thats the outcome that Ive witnessed here. I am opposed to the program either way. As a single father with child support I remember the modest loan the bank would give me for a home purchase. I never could have qualified for a new home like that with no money down and virtually no interest because I didnt screw up my life badly enough and dont possess ovaries.:rolleyes:
redhawk said:
What if you had no car/truck?

Apparently that was a major problem in New Orleans with 30% of the population below poverty level. But that fact was surely known to the Mayor and emergency planners drafting the evacuation plan. That's why it is inconcievable that the plan they ended up with was for the Mayor to simply order a mandatory evacuation and state that those that cannot leave should head to the Superdome which he deemed a "refuge of last resort".

The reason why the fleets of buses were not used, or moved to high ground in advance, was because the Mayor condensed the evacuation plan so that the "refuge of last resort" became the primary (and only) option for all those poor people unable to leave on their own.

FEMAs response was slow, but I'm sure none of their planning expected that the 39th largest metropolitan area in the United States would just willingly surrender all their vital evacuation assets in advance of the storm. What New Orleans did was the equivalent of releasing all their lifeboats empty and ask everyone to wait on the bow of a sinking ship - then complain that the Coast Guard's response was not fast enough.
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