Turbo HD 1000.2 dish setup with vip 211k receiver


Original poster
Dec 6, 2011
I need help seting up my tutbo HD 1000.2 dish. I am getting 110 & 119 but not 129. My zip 85648 skew 108 elevatio 54. I want 129 tlo get more HD channels. What can i do?
Cover the outer 2 lnb's with aluminum foil and make sure you are seeing 119 with that center lnb.

You may very well be seeing 110 with the 119 lnb and 119 with the 129 lnb, if so move the azimuth 9-10 degrees east and maybe drop the elevation a bit too.
Satellite input:
Port 1 - 110 2 CONN 3 - 119
Trans OK x OK. Decive WA-4 on all. Status: Reception verified. Switch: DPP WA-4. What can I do? Thank you

Dish Network channel # 8945 not work

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