UHF Remotes


New Member
Original poster
May 16, 2004
I have a 522 set up in my family room (running the the second output through my central home wiring to the master bedroom). I have the 522 set up so that on my family room TV, I can watch TV1 or TV2. So here is the question - I have a older Dish 500 4700 receiver (that is not being used) that has a UHF remote -- can I set that remote to control TV2 (so that I can control TV2 from my family room)? Right now the older UHF remote can controlling TV1 (!!! (I am baffled how it is doing this since I thought TV1 is only an IR controlled receiver). I do wish the 522 was set up internally so you could switch from TV1 to TV2 from one remote until then I guess I have to use a second UHF remote (so I don't have to lug the 522 UHF remote upstairs/downstairs.

Complaints about the 522/322 - I have a 322 hooked to my Gateway Media Center (separate from my TV) -- the Dish Network screen saver screws up my recording (unless set up an autotune on the receiver to come on a few minutes before the Media Center starts a recording). I wish this could be deactivated!

thanks for any help
Why is it that you can buy TV2 (blue) UHF Pro remotes on eBay all day long... but nobody anywhere on the Internet sells TV1 UHF Pro remotes? Where in the heck can I buy a TV1 Green UHF Pro remote for the 322 or 522 :confused:

Hours spent googling and ebaying... no luck :no

- Scott
Why only eBay and the Internet? Call Dish directly and order part number part number 128580 for the 522 or 128579 for the 322.
Or DishStore.net (link above)

I've heard that you can change the address on the remote on TV1 to accept uhf by going through the settings on the rcvr.
bcshields said:
Or DishStore.net (link above)

I went there -- they do not have a TV1 UHF Remote for the 522. :no

bcshields said:
I've heard that you can change the address on the remote on TV1 to accept uhf by going through the settings on the rcvr.

I've seen the menu option, but it basically allows you to change whether TV1 will be controlled with an IR remote or with a UHF Pro remote. Not sure this will help me (except I'll need to do this once I find a TV1 UHF Remote).

I think ChrisCoop has it -- I need to CALL Dish and talk to them about it. I assumed since it was not listed as a product on their web site that they didn't offer it, but I'll try giving them a call. Man, thought you could buy anything on the Internet... but I guess not UHF TV1 remotes. :(

- Scott

WTB: 501/508 with "hard drive failure"

Switches...should they be inside or outside.

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