Upcoming Dish Network Software Update

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I received word of a few upcoming software updates for Dish Network Receivers.

A full release of software for the Dish 2000 series receivers will be rolling out soon. The software for the Dish 2000's will be 7.12.

A release is also scheduled for the 322's and will be version L1.52 this will also be a full release.

The Dish 1000 is also getting an upgrade to software version 8.00, it is soon to start its first phase of rollout. The new software for the Dish 1000 will add support for the new Dish 500 Smart Card plus will add tuning support for the 5000 and 6000 channel range (which is where Sirius and Dish Networks existing music services are expected to move)

More as we know it. :)
"A release is also scheduled for the 322's and will be version L1.52 this will also be a full release"

I hope you meant to say L1.53 ???

L1.52 was spooled yesterday and now has "floaters" when you turn the receiver "off"*


* Kindly note: "off" is a relative term... Most people consider "off" to mean "off".
322's with L1.52 define "off" as "on" with a signal still present. :shocked
No the note I have says L1.52 it could be talking about yesterdays release. (I dont have a 322 so I only go by the info I am given.)

New software for ALL 322s

What DVR combination for TV + PC?

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