Using an IR universal remote to control 811...problems?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 27, 2003
Has anyone else been experiencing delays in response using an IR universal remote to control the 811? My universal does not have delays with any of my other components. I'm using a Radio Shack 15-2117, which, by the way, is the best deal out there for remotes right now ($29 for LCD, backlight, learning, JP1-ability, built in RF)
No, I mean 15-2117. It is the same as the 15-2116 for the same price, but includes an RF base! The price at the store says $49.99, but when it's rung up, it's $29! Others, too, have "stumbled" upon this amazing deal!
Heck I am getting slow response with the RF remote that came with the 811. So I don't think the problems are with the remotes but just more software problems with the 811
Actually, I find the 811 to be significantly faster in responding to IR codes from my MX500 than the 6000.
Kevin, I love the MX500. It does only emit IR. The 811 itself accepts IR and RF. It's the remote that came with the 811 that only emits RF for the receiver (it emits IR for auxiliary devices). But the IR codes from other Dish remotes (6000, 5000, 721, etc) will work with the 811 (and 921).
Cool. That makes since.

Where did you get yours. Do you know of a good on-line store to get one. I check there WEB site they have list of authorized on-line dealers. But have only dealt with 6Ave.
I've go a question on remotes. I too have been thinking about the MX-500, and I've also been looking at the Harmony SST-659. Both are IR remotes which brings me to my question. I have my 811 sitting on the shelf just below my 501. Both are connected to my Sony 53" (4:3 ratio), allowing me to have PIP and the ability to switch to different inputs. This is useful when I want to watch E* content that is in SD format. Before you ask, I do have the SD outputs from the 811 connected to one of my video input ports on the Sony, but the picture is too dark, so until E* fixes the darkness problem on the 811, when watching SD content, I flip over to the 501.

My question is this, because I need two remotes to control the receivers (811 & 501), how does the programmable remotes handle two E* receivers that are side by side?

I had to change the remote address in the 501 so its remote didn't interfere with the 811.
I'm controlling my whole theater system, including my 811, with a RadioShack 6-in-1 Kameleon™ Touch-Screen Remote. Granted it's IR, but it works great. I am experiencing no delays with my 811 using this remote.

Mansfield, TX

I have a similar setup to you. I have a 508 and 811. I have a Harmony SST-659 remote and it works great.

First and foremost, you would need to change either the 811 or 501's remote channel that you see in the system info (I use 1 for the 811 and 3 for the 508) The Harmony SST-659 is a very easy remote to setup. it is a web based learning remote through a USB connection. Once you set up you user name with the Harmony website (, it well then ask you what devices would you like to add to the remote. You would be able to add both devices. Their data bases have tons of devices in it. Including the new 811. Anyway, my harmony remote is setup s0 all I have to do is push 1 of 2 buttons. Watch HDTV (turns on the 811) Watch Dish (turns on the 508)

BTW, those buttons don't just turn the 508 or 811 on. When I select Watch HDTV, one push of a button, Turns the TV on, changes the TV input to the correct input my 811 is plugged into, turns on the 811, turns on the HT receiver and also places my HT receiver on the right input for the 811.

Many ways you can program it. Very cool and affordable remote. Also very easy to use. Most that have it also find their families like it b/c it is easy to use. Hopes this helps,

sorry for the long post, just happy I was finally able to contribute back to a fellow user of this site.
Thanks Rookie. That's exactly what I needed to know. I already change the address in the 501 to 'remote address 3'. When you do the programming of the SST-659, does it map all the bottons correctly so when I'm viewing something using the 501, I can control the 501 and all of it's functions?
Ok, let me get this there any way i can control my 811 abd 508 (both in the same room) with an IR only remote, like the Harmony sst659? I thought they were only RF?

Yes, they both accept IR signals, but the 811 remote only transmits UHF. So, to program your universal IR remote to control your 811, you have to have a remote that transmits IR set to the same remote address as the 811.
StevenD said:
So, to program your universal IR remote to control your 811, you have to have a remote that transmits IR set to the same remote address as the 811.

Dumb do i do this??? The remote address on my set up screen is 3. my 508 is set to address 1. How doe sthis translate to a universal IR remote?

I would love to consolodate my remotes from 5 (DVD, TV, A/V receiver, 811 & 508), down to ONE!!
Kevin_Texas said:
Heck I am getting slow response with the RF remote that came with the 811. So I don't think the problems are with the remotes but just more software problems with the 811

My first 811 remote was declared DOA by the installer, Dish sent out a new one, it didn't work, I got on the line with Tech Support, got bumped up one level, and the Tech Support person with actual knowledge had me move the antenna. I tried 45 degrees left (technically, 135 degrees), no better. Then I moved the antenna to 45 degrees right. The remote worked perfectly.

Those of you who are having trouble, try tilting that little remote antenna on the back a bit left, right, a bit more, etc. I couldn't believe what a tremendous diff it made.

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