Viacom Encourages Dish Users to Call Dish

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Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Feb 26, 2004
I just saw a rolling banner on Spike TV during Star Trek warning DISH customers that they were about to loose CBS, MTV, Nick, etc, and to call DISHNET and tell them to keep the channels you are paying for.
It's on all the Viacom channels, but I hear they have begun blacking out those banners when they pop up (it's the wrong tack though..... put the E* position up during the time you normally advertise PPVs and tell your side. Trying to black it out implies that you have something to hide.
Goodness, how many threads must be started on this topic????
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forbes recent wire :viacom/echostar deadlocked but hope seen

Any Chance Dish might lose Fox/UPN/WB superstations

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