VIP 622 Fees?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
Waterloo, Iowa
Just curious, we got our first bill since we upgraded to the 622, and there is a $6 lease fee and a $5.98 dvr fee. Does this sound right? Thanks in advance!
Just curious, we got our first bill since we upgraded to the 622, and there is a $6 lease fee and a $5.98 dvr fee. Does this sound right? Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately that is correct. The 622 is considered to be a premium DVR, so unlike most other Dish DVRs, it carries a lease fee and a DVR fee. It's a little pricey - especially considering that you have to pay a substatial up-front price just to lease the box, but I love my 622 and ultimately I think it is worth it.
The $5.98 DVR fee is dropped on 622 if you subscribe to HD Platinum programming package. On leased 622's the $6.00 lease fee is there to stay :( .
The 622 can be subject to 5 fees: $5.98 DVR fee, $6 lease fee, and $6 HD enabling fee, $6 extra outlet fee, $5 not hooked up to the phone line fee.

So if you lease an 622 and drop down to just AT60, and do not hook up to a phone line, you will pay $28.50 in extra fees, $22.50 if you own it.

622 Revision/Version "K"?

Sound Off: DishHD "Premium Pricing" Must Go...

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