ViP 622 Forum Posts


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 14, 2004
Round Rock, TX
I've noticed that there haven't been a lot of posts to this forum lately concerning the ViP. If there are, they just seem to be more question and answer type posts. Nothing like, "My _____ doesn't want to work."

This seems to have happened with the latest software release.

So, did E* "get it right" with this last software install? I've noticed mine is rock solid and without the video stuttering, everything is great.

Two things I want to mention:
  • I am still waiting on the USB ports to be enabled for external hard drives.
  • The 622 takes a few seconds to come out of standby mode after hitting the power button on the remote. Sometimes, the delay is long enough for me to wonder if the 622 has received the remote's signal. I'll hit power again and it will turn on and off quickly. :rolleyes:

How about everyone else?
Mine is working pretty darn good too. Still some problems with local HD NBC channel, but other than that, good.
Thats because the 622 is talked about in our other forum, the DISH HD Forum. :) This forum is more twards dish setup and sd equipment.
Strange, I've notice in the last 2 days my power comes on faster than it used to. I used to think the same thing. I push power and it took like 7 or 8 seconds for it to come on. Now its almost immediate. Mine has been flawless since I bought it 2 months ago. I'm wondering if bought ones are more reliable than leased ones.
I only get sound on 1 tuner. When I swap tuners I have to turn the unit off and on again to get sound. And it happens on all of the outputs, I put in single mode to check it out, same result.

Sound and Audio not lined up....

622 No Sound On Other Tuner When I Swap

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