For the last month my reciever has been freezing up on both recorded and live shows. It will not repond to any commands. Sometimes it would resume after a couple of minutes on its own and other times I would have to do a soft reset. Tonite it started doing it often and now even with a hard reset it will not even come back to the Dish tips screen saver. The last time it did I got a screen telling me an error had occured and I may not be able to pause or record live TV. I believe it was code 333. I would click the OK button and then it would go to the aquiring sat screen and freeze at step 2. Rite now I am running my 3rd hard reset and as with the other 2 it has been almost an hour and all I get is a brief green light and a couple of screen flashs then a few minutes later the same thing, almost like it is running in a loop over and over again with just fan noise.
As a side note I did get in earlier to do a check switch and all was good and a system info check and it came up good.
Lastly my installer asked me to call him before Dish with any problems, does this sound right. This was in July of 08 that he did the install.
Any ideas?????????????????
As a side note I did get in earlier to do a check switch and all was good and a system info check and it came up good.
Lastly my installer asked me to call him before Dish with any problems, does this sound right. This was in July of 08 that he did the install.
Any ideas?????????????????