Voice out of sync.


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 21, 2005
Often while watching tv the voice/picture will go out of sync. I get the 1960/70s Kung fu movie effect.

Set up:
622 connected to Pioneer Elite A/V VSX-82TXS. Video is connected HDMI from the 622 and HDMI to a Pioneer Elite PRO-FHD1. Audio connection is optical from 622 to the receiver.

All I have tried so far is to move the available 625 to the Pioneer Elite TV and I experience the same problem. The 625 video was connected directly to the TV via S-video. Opitical to the Rcv.

It is very difficult at this time to establish if the same problem occurs when the 625 is connected directly to the analog tv via coaxial due to fact that it is viewed for about 10 minutes per day.

I would like to know if this is a general issue or if it specific and of course can a possible fix be recommended.

If I'm not mistaken, I believe there is a little bit of a quirk with the optical audio out. To verify I'd use a standard rca audio out and see if that shows a tell tale sign.
That has happened to me. All I did was change channels and then come back to the problem channel. That solved the problem...

If I'm not mistaken, I believe there is a little bit of a quirk with the optical audio out. To verify I'd use a standard rca audio out and see if that shows a tell tale sign.
I do not know about the 622... but I can tell you is yes... there is a delay between the PCM out and "standard audio out" on the 625.

Most times its close enough to pass... but there are times when my 625 is not is live tv on both recivers that it gets worse... maybe just that much to much processor is beeing used to provide both as well as a pcm stream. Oddly enough I have not noticed it with DD stream from HBO, SHO...
Often while watching tv the voice/picture will go out of sync. I get the 1960/70s Kung fu movie effect.

This has been a problem on HD locals for us (L.A. area, 622), and we've seen it several times in last 2-3 weeks, sometimes as much as 2-3 second lag. Pushing the "go back 10 seconds" button (watching the show 10 seconds behind "live") has cured it every time for us. YMMV.
Thanks to all of you for the feed back.

Here is an update to the problem. I had the audio feed from the 622 to the RCV via Optical and the Video by HDMI. I thought about this after my first post about the problem. I went home that night and removed the Optical and reset the RCV to process the audio through the HDMI.

I am not sure if this is coincedental or not, but the sound has been in sync ever since. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Boston Channel 5 is only channel voice out of sync

Thanks to all of you for the feed back.

Here is an update to the problem. I had the audio feed from the 622 to the RCV via Optical and the Video by HDMI. I thought about this after my first post about the problem. I went home that night and removed the Optical and reset the RCV to process the audio through the HDMI.

I am not sure if this is coincedental or not, but the sound has been in sync ever since. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I only have this problem on one local, ABC channel 5. I is a consistent problem which I believe is a head end problem.
Thanks to all of you for the feed back.

Here is an update to the problem. I had the audio feed from the 622 to the RCV via Optical and the Video by HDMI. I thought about this after my first post about the problem. I went home that night and removed the Optical and reset the RCV to process the audio through the HDMI.

I am not sure if this is coincidental or not, but the sound has been in sync ever since. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The problem was back last night. I guess it has nothing to do with my audio connections. I will call Dish to inquire about a solution.

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