Waiver request question


Original poster
Feb 17, 2004
Hey guys I have some quick questions about my CBS waiver request. I live in Loveland Co about 45 miles north of Denver and about 50 miles south of Cheyenne. My local Denver CBS affiliate is an O&O, but the Cheyenne channel which is a privately owned affiliate claims me as well. So I called the CBS channel and asked them for a waiver , they granted me the waiver and mailed a form off to me saying that I should have a waiver. Now i submitted that to the CSR's at Dish i faxed it over to them about 3 weeks ago and they are telling me that the CBS station needs to send an electronic approval for them to allow me to get the channel is the right ? Do I need to escalate this up a little bit so that I can get this taken care of or what ? Has anyone gone through this process and maybe give me a timeframe ? Is this a problem with Dish or do i need to call the CBS guys ? Thanks in advance for any answers you guys might have. I love this board lots of really interesting things to read.
DISH is supposed to request the waiver they have no way of knowing the waiver you are sending them is official. Dish has spent enough time in court over waivers and distant networks that they aren't going to turn on anything until they have official word through proper channels.

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