We have a new, high-end Dish subscriber with a main house, guesthouse and garage, all brick and all seperated by asphalt. He wanted 3 TVs in the house, 2 in the guesthouse and 1 in the garage with 2 stipulations: no drilling new holes and no DVRs. We built an account with 6 Wallys and a dish on each building. 1 Wally to a D1000.2 on the garage went smooth, 2 Wallys through a 2-way stacked splitter and a hybrid worked perfectly in the guest house. We added a power inserter for the 3 Wallys in the house and a 4-way stacked splitter. The Wally on the power-passing port works great but the other 2 work erratically or, at times, not at all. We have tested all lines, verified all 3 recievers by trying each one on the power port, swapped the Hybrid LNBF, splitters, power inserter and even tried it without the inserter like the 2 TV set-up in the guest house with no luck. We even swapped out 1 of the Wallys that seemed to have a little trouble getting a good check switch test. Over 2 weeks of call-backs the customer has had good TV in the living room but TV Russian Roulette elsewhere. Interestingly, the 2nd and 3rd TVs work slightly better when we sub the Channel Stack Dish splitter with a DTV SWM splitter.
I read on another thread that, in this configuration, each Wally has to be set-up individually starting with the 1 on the power port. I don't think we did the guesthouse that way but if this is a cast-in-stone rule, do the Wallys have to be reset to factory settings before starting over? Any insights will be greatly appreciated.
I read on another thread that, in this configuration, each Wally has to be set-up individually starting with the 1 on the power port. I don't think we did the guesthouse that way but if this is a cast-in-stone rule, do the Wallys have to be reset to factory settings before starting over? Any insights will be greatly appreciated.