want to add a receiver to my system


New Member
Original poster
Nov 11, 2006
Hi I am a new member to this forum and I was wondering what is the best way (and cheapest)..to add a receiver to my system..i have been a customer of dish network for over a year and a half..have a DVR unit in the living room..and a regular unit in the master bedroom.. i want to add a 3rd receiver to the other bedroom.. at the installation the guy put a QUAD LNB on the dish...he said it could add up to 2 more receivers later then...one more question if i buy a receiver from a online place that sells used ones what is the purpose of the smart cards? my units dont have them. also what does it mean when they say No Balance about the unit,,,,if i add this 3rd unit i just call to activate it and pay my 5 bucks or so a month for it?? thanks for any help Bill
Hi I am a new member to this forum and I was wondering what is the best way (and cheapest)..to add a receiver to my system..i have been a customer of dish network for over a year and a half..have a DVR unit in the living room..and a regular unit in the master bedroom.. i want to add a 3rd receiver to the other bedroom.. at the installation the guy put a QUAD LNB on the dish...he said it could add up to 2 more receivers later then...one more question if i buy a receiver from a online place that sells used ones what is the purpose of the smart cards? my units dont have them. also what does it mean when they say No Balance about the unit,,,,if i add this 3rd unit i just call to activate it and pay my 5 bucks or so a month for it?? thanks for any help Bill

Welcome to the forum.
I would pay $99. and purchase a new model 311 receiver that has a built in card and does not require an external plastic card.
Run a line directly from the quad LNBF to the third receiver.
I don't like buying used electronics, it may have a reason for being on sale that you would not like.
Call Dish Network and have it added to your account and you'll be good to go.
Call Dish and ask what DIU will cost (Dishin it up). DIU is an upgrade program for existing customers, I would guess $49 installed.

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