Was Amazing Race 10 amazing?

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
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Sep 8, 2003
New York City
I thought it had a good 12 characters and was not surprised at the four that were eliminated. I think the chick with the disability will go far -- just to demonstrate that she could do it. Seeing her climbing the Wall of China was painful (because she had a hard time doing it) but she did it!
Sean Mota said:
I think the chick with the disability will go far -- just to demonstrate that she could do it. Seeing her climbing the Wall of China was painful (because she had a hard time doing it) but she did it!

OMG, it was like watching a car wreck... you want to look away, but you have to look to see if she can do it. I feel sorry for the first team that got eliminated though. They got to China, ate some fish eyes, and then got eliminiated. You can tell how angry he was and there must have been a lot of editing going on.
I hate CBS on Sundays. The primetime programs get out of whack most sundays when the NFL game goes beyond the time on the PGI. Sunday my DVR only recorded about 10 minutes of the Amazing Race since it was pushed by the NFL game which pushed 60 minutes past the 8pm ET hour. Anyone knows where I can get a copy of the Amazing Race episode 3?

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