We really need an "official" 811 P263 fix list

It does not fix anything that I know of which is visible to the user.

Almost all of my contacts are out of the office this week.

If I hear something official I will pass it on. :)
If E cared, they would publish a list of the fixes. If we are to be beta testers, they should keep us informed of changes.
jerryez said:
If E cared, they would publish a list of the fixes. If we are to be beta testers, they should keep us informed of changes.

I think it's obvious E* doesn't care AND you're not a beta tester. You're using the release product, not a beta product, even though it might be acting like a beta product. That's E*.
I'm glad it was released. Other than local mapping issues and an occasional "lost satellite" when switching from OTA to sat it's been great for me.
Well just wait till it dies on you like mine did and it takes Dish several days to get you a replacement.
I really don't see how anyone that reads these forums regularly can complain if there are problems with the 811 (or any E* receiver). E* has shown a history of releasing products before they're "ready for primetime".

If you weren't aware of E* track record, you should call E* and complain -- LOUDLY. Make them take it back, fully refunded.

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