West coast voomers, do you have rain fade?

tdillon said:
Two nights ago we had a very heavy rain, even some hailstones. My 24 inch antenna worked A LOT better than the old 18 inch. There was about 30 minutes where the signal would break up for a couple of seconds, but this was more acceptable than losing the entire signal for 2 days at a time. During the worst part of the storm my signal did still drop to under 70, but when I had the 18 inch dish when the signal went away it was so bad that there was no signal strength reported.

Same here.. a couple seconds of pixelation and it held in there. I didn't watch it the whole night, but up until around midnight. I looked at the signal, once I realized it was raining and it was staying about 85 at the time. It's hard to say if it is ok now, but so far so good.
We had three rain storms so far this season in Sacramento and all three times I had rain fade. I called customer Service and requested a larger dish and they were very polite and first said that this area was not authorizied for a larger dish, but after throughly explaining the situation they would see what they could do. Low and behold I got a call from a Tech and they are going to come out and install a larger dish on the 3rd of Dec. Wonders will never cease. So far I have nothing but rave reviews for VOOM. Excellent pictures and service.
No Rain Fade in San Diego/24 inch dish

We just had a moderate rainstorm last night in San Diego. My 24 inch dish installation has a normal signal strength of 98-98 on two receivers, fed from a single antenna. At the height of the storm, the signal strength dropped to 93-95. There was no visible degradation of either HD or SD satellite pictures.
Rain OUTAGE .... Not Fade is the optiomal Word

From: The San Francisco Bay Area

Even with the Voom upgraded 24" dish which took many many service calls to accomplish - Installs Inc not the brightest lite on the xmass tree.

I get a 98% to 99% signal stength in dry weather, but just a little lite rain and clouds goes to below 79% and any rain at all ,low 50% fade is just not the issue


I just assume Voom Satalite Reception is just something that you pay for and don't get if it Rains !protest

If comcast cable had more HD Channels to offer Voom would be memory
(a bad one) ;)

The last two or three rainstorms I've had a total of 30 minutes of down time. Much better than before the 24 inch upgrade. It seems that we watch OTA channels when it rains, so it has been working out.
There are no local analog channels provided by Voom. The quality of the local digital channels is very good on the channels that broadcast in HD for the most part, unless they borrow too much of the bandwidth for extra digital subchannels. KABC channel 7 has 2 subchannels and the quality of the HD on channel 7_1 suffers quite a bit because of it.
This is a follow up to my post on 11-25. Crave Electronics came out to the house when they said they would and replaced my 18" dish with a 24". Now all I have to do is wait for rain and see how it works. Crave was very professional and quick. They sent two men (maybe a trainee). Means more work in Sacramento.
Kaysadeya said:
Finally got my 24" in dish installed. No rain today (or in the forecast), but we did have a very heavy fog this morning. I don't know if this would normally be a problem, but my signal strength was '99' when checked by the installer :clap . I'll report back next time we get a *real* storm in the bay area.

We've had several storms since my 24" upgrade and the signal has held up very well. @party