What do I need?

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Original poster
Sep 25, 2006

I hope that someone can help me. I am trying to get GOLTV that is FTA. I am in North Carolina USA. My question is what equiptment do I need, and where can I purchase it. I have seen post of that GOLTV is available, if I am wrong please let me know.

Thanks for the help

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Yes GOL TV is on 110º W FTA

Have a look at the above link for what you would need, you will also need a DBS LNBF unless you get the Invacom QPH-031 LNBF that can do both Linear and Circular(DBS) signals.

Any of our GOLD sponsors at the top of the page can help you purchase the system.
Thanks for the reply. I will contact one of your sponsors to purchase the equiptment. Is there any recommendations that you would make as far as a brand of reciever or dish?

Thanks again

I use a 36" dish available from sponsor SatelliteAV.

And I like (and use) the Fortec (sponsor) range of receivers available from sponsor Sadoun.

I also use the above mentioned Invacom QPH-031 LNBF another sponsor :)
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SatMex 6

Stab HH120 Motor

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