What Satellites For HD/


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 17, 2006
I live full time in a RV with a Sat.dome that gets 110&119.I have a 622 coming and wonder if I can get any HD programing or do I have to go to a Dish 1000?Thanks for the help for this novice.
1. Get a Dish 1000 to pick up sat 129 - this would likely replace your current setup
2. Get a Dish 1000+ (slightly larger than 1000) to pick up sat 129 - this would likely replace your current setup
3. Get a second dish, a Dish 500 aimed at 61.5 - this would supplement your current setup.

If you have a LOS (line of sight) to 61.5, this will likely give you the strongest signal. You could also aim it at 129 if you don't have a LOS to 61.5.
Caveat: If you want to subscribe to locals, you might need 129 or another satellite. I am also assuming you remain in one place or are willing to aim a satellite dish.
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