What Will Become of Dish's Value Packs Now?


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
What will become of Dish's Value Pack of HBO/Cinemax with the new prices and name changes to AT50-100-150? HBO/Cinemax is currently $16 with AT100. Is this offer going to end?
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So the price increase includes AT100 going up $1.00 and the HBO/MAX pack also going up $1.00.
yeah, that's the way i read it. at150 goes up 2 dollars and at150 value still stays $17 more. at100 goes up 1 dollar, but at100 value goes form $16 to $17 dollars more.
The combo pack will cost just as much as it did before. It is not the HBO/MAX channels themselves going up in price. The difference in price between having HBO/MAX Value Package than the basic package will be the same as it was before.
The combo pack (HBO/MAX) is currently $16 with the AT100 priced at $33.99 for a total of $49.99. They are going to an increased price structure or $51.99 for the same package, AT 120 plus the combo pack. The AT100(120) is going up $1.00 to $34.99 leaving the combo pack costing $17. That is an increase.

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