Where to sell used Hughes Net gear?


New Member
Original poster
Jul 17, 2008
Northern VA
We have a single installation of Hughes Net satellite gear for Internet access that we no longer need. Our contract is over and we have been able to switch to a faster WAN connection that was not previously available. The equipment was installed 11/2006 and seems in very good condition. What is the best way to sell this stuff and about how much would it be worth? It is a NPR7KD non-penetrating roof mount by Perfect Vision, plus whatever is a Type 98 Hughes antenna. The modem is a HN7000S. Not sure what we paid for equipment. BTW, we did not use any Hughes TV options, so not sure if this would work for TV. It was specifically for business Internet up/down traffic. The antenna is fairly large, but I don't have any photos. We are located in Northern Virginia and could help with some disassembly, but you would have to come get it.
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