Which SuperDISH?


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Nov 7, 2003
Say I wanted to buy a SuperDISH which one would yall choose? I live in the Louisville DMA and already have my locals, but which FSS bird is better, 105 or 121?
Neutron said:
Say I wanted to buy a SuperDISH which one would yall choose? I live in the Louisville DMA and already have my locals, but which FSS bird is better, 105 or 121?

It's not a matter of which one's better than the other. It just depends on which channels you are needing.

Here is a listing of the channels on each bird:



What is your reason for wanting a SuperDISH? Do you want foreign language programming? If you get your locals from DISH 500, that would really be the only reason for you to get one at this point.
I was thinking (and this would be a big if anyway) that it would be cool to be the only one in my area with SD
That, and it would anger my neighbors to see the big thing on my fence :)

811 Waiting List Price Question?

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