Why do used Dishplayers command such a high price?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 15, 2003
As the owner of a 7200, I have to ask why are people willing to pay so much for a used Dishplayer? When I bought it nearly 4 years ago, I paid $20 new, not including the rebate from Dish for a new subscription. Now I see people on auction sites bidding over $250 for this thing. Is very tempting to sell it off given that I can pick up a new Directivo for under $50.

The GUI is really nice compared to the other receivers yes, but I always felt the PQ was not as good as other Dish receivers. And does anyone use the WebTV dial-up functionality? Someone please enlighten me.
The Dishplayers are selling for that much on Ebay because they are fairly easy to modify (hack) to steal programming. Don't sell it on EBAY... If you want to stay with E*, consider a trade-in program like the 510.

- Paul
The trade in program does NOT make sense from an economic standpoint.

Sell it on the open market and pocket the difference. I paid less than $200 each for both of mine, and I can fetch almost double that now (I've seen them go as high as $400). Plus you can add your own larger hard drive without incident, compared to the newer receivers which won't work if you try to swap it out.

I keep fighting the urge to sell my Dishplayers, as my kids have them in their rooms now and they are used to them, but it is a lot of money to leave on the table.
The 721 has a similar interface that the Dishplayers have but they are expensive. 921's are also supposed to get this same interface as the 721 has but are also going to be expensive.

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