Why does my H3 ignore settings?

Jon J

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Lifetime Supporter
Nov 16, 2005
Music City, USA
My H3 with U518 consistently ignores the update setting of 3AM and the idle time setting of 6 hours. Why even have settings?
My H3 with U518 consistently ignores the update setting of 3AM and the idle time setting of 6 hours. Why even have settings?
If you are leaving it tuned to an audio music channel (SiriusXM, Dish CD, etc.) this is intentional. If you are leaving it on some other channel, it is possible that your settings are not actually set correctly, even if it looks like they are. Try changing the setting to something else, save that setting, then go back and change it to the setting you actually want. The H3 should then remember that setting, at least until the next software update.
None of your ifs are the case and I have done your other change suggestions. Nothing works.But, thanks for the suggestions.

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