Why is Dish HD PPV $5.99 when D* is $4.99


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 2, 2003
Is there a difference? Newer Movies or something?

Does Direct TV play the older Pay per view and is that why it is $1.00 CHEAPER?
Direct TV will stop the movie 15minutes before the end, and you'll receive a pop up window stating that it costs another $3 to finish the movie. Dish is the better value. ;)
Cyclone said:
Direct TV will stop the movie 15minutes before the end, and you'll receive a pop up window stating that it costs another $3 to finish the movie. Dish is the better value. ;)

:D Funny Now give me your DVD player :)

Can I pickup 121 without a superdish?

Memphis Locals are down

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