Why is my Hopper HD 8% full with 5 recordings?

After having my Hopper for a week and a half, with PTAT enabled, it's reporting that only 5% of my disk space is used. Does that include PTAT, or is that my DVR recordings? My guess is that since the PTAT space is fixed, then the disk space used must only relate to the personal DVR recordings saved.
It's only reporting on the user space, not the PTAT space. Not sure how Dish is calculating space, but it sees to jump to 5-10% used pretty quickly - sooner then you would expect, then levels off as additional space is used.

Maybe there is some houskeeping overhead the pre-allocate on the user partition? I don't know.
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Regarding the "2TB" hard drive, 500gb for user, etc, etc, looking at Dish's main page for the Hopper, they say

  • The Hopper records and stores over 2,000 of your favorite movies and shows...
    [*]Only the Hopper Whole-Home DVR lets you record and store up to 2,000 shows...
    [*]Plus, PrimeTime Anytime doesn't take up any of your personal DVR space, so you still have over 250 hours of HD recording... storage
You mentioned Dish comparing their drive size to others. If you do use the features provided by any provider, and alot of people certainly do - VOD, regular recording of shows including Network, etc.. who can hold more programming, Dish or them? To me that's the point. Only looking at the individual recordings and ignoring Network recording and VOD ignores what alot of customers will use.

Ah, them lol. You seriously think fios, cox and Comcast has less than 1tb of program available through vod? Then even with 2tb dish has less if you are going to count vod, the other providers don't need local storage for it. I am not sure if it was here or another forum, but I remember when I believe Comcast was saying in their commercial touting stats saying they had more hd and more programing than anyone else, they were counting vod in their stats and people were saying that was misleading, this is no different imo. And what if you don't want PTAT, then yeah you should get it back, a warning saying this is sufficient that you can't turn it back on without enough space. As Allamand said, what of the people with 2 hoppers, will they really want PTAT on both? No, only one, thats how I would have done it if I had gotten the hoppper, I watch network stuff, my father and mother do not. I am actually glad dish did not give me a deal on them, because as they say, the devil is in the details and the more i learned about how this system actually works the more i realized it was not that great of an upgrade from our old system.
Regarding the "2TB" hard drive, 500gb for user, etc, etc, looking at Dish's main page for the Hopper, they say
  • The Hopper records and stores over 2,000 of your favorite movies and shows...
    [*]Only the Hopper Whole-Home DVR lets you record and store up to 2,000 shows...
  • Plus, PrimeTime Anytime doesn't take up any of your personal DVR space, so you still have over 250 hours of HD recording... storage
Yeah, your favorite movies and shows, which you might not even want to watch because its on demand programming that you did not chose. The other guys should now include vod in all their dvr stats just like dish, they will blow dish out of the water.
It's only reporting on the user space, not the PTAT space. Not sure how Dish is calculating space, but it sees to jump to 5-10% used pretty quickly - sooner then you would expect, then levels off as additional space is used.

Maybe there is some houskeeping overhead the pre-allocate on the user partition? I don't know.
Yeah, i was surprised to see people saying this, because it is filling up just as fast as my new fios dvr. They both have 500gb but dish stuff is more compressed so i thought the dish dvr would hold more, it felt that way with the 722k anyway, ota sutff took up a lot more space than sat recordings.
so 500GB of hard drive space definitely translates to the 250 hours of HD in the marketing? or is it less?
so 500GB of hard drive space definitely translates to the 250 hours of HD in the marketing? or is it less?
supposedly, but people are seeing different stats reported that point to the 250 including primetime anytime. However, if the stats are the same as the 722k, then it will be around 250, because 1 hour of a sat recording took 30min away from the time remaining, that's what I always saw anyway, and ota stuff took the whole hour away. So it would be around 250 hours of sat recordings in hd.
Looking at my recordings, I have 96 (non-PTAT) "My Recordings" totaling about 84 hours (including 1 min before and 5 min after, that time adds up fast). That would be 33.6% of 250 Hours. The DVR reports 34% used, so that looks correct.

In addition, I have 8 days of PTAT (or ~ 100 hours), of which I watch about 15. In that regard, PTAT has saved about 6% of "my" HD space. The more PTAT you watch, the more you save (I'm a glass half full kind of guy).
Ah, them lol. You seriously think fios, cox and Comcast has less than 1tb of program available through vod? Then even with 2tb dish has less if you are going to count vod, the other providers don't need local storage for it.

Are you guessing or do you know by having Fios or Cox etc...? (I am genuinely asking) I am going by what my Father-in-Law has in Florida with Fios and the Fios site.

Multi-room DVR
Record at least 80 hours of standard definition content

Record at least 80 hours of standard definition content

FiOS TV Equipment & Installation | FiOS TV | Verizon

Italics and underline mine.

So What I am saying, Dish has 500hrs of HD recording, or 250hrs of HD individual recording, not including all the Network recording you could do with PTAT, and not including any of the VOD space. Fios has 80hrs of SD recording........
If I am missing something or wrong I always come back and say so. But why would I change what I am saying if these figures are correct?
I'm not seeing how Dish is anything but light years ahead in recording space.

I had brought this up because of this post -
In their adverts they say 2tb, more than any other provider, so most people would compare to direct, fios, cable and have 2tb in their head and see everyone else has 500gb or less, 1tb for direct, and think, wow dish has 2x or more than all the other guys. That's why it is misleading, there is no way around that.

Doesn't Dish have MORE than double the recording space, without the VOD - without even the PTAT space? I'm willing to go down the misleading path if my figures are wrong, and Indeed Fios (maybe others) are not less than twice the space. If Dish including VOD is the only reason they have more space, I might agree. I'm not seeing it. If you add two more DVR's to the whole home system with Fios it almost matches the user section of 250hrs HD Dish has, but with Fios it's SD and not including space for PTAT and all those network recordings Dish has, and at a much higher cost per month. Add two HD receivers, you still have only 80hrs SD with Fios and their whole home system, and still at a greater cost per month.
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Are you guessing or do you know by having Fios or Cox etc...? (I am genuinely asking) I am going by what my Father-in-Law has in Florida with Fios and the Fios site.

Multi-room DVR
Record at least 80 hours of standard definition content

Record at least 80 hours of standard definition content

FiOS TV Equipment & Installation | FiOS TV | Verizon

Italics and underline mine.

So What I am saying, Dish has 500hrs of HD recording, or 250hrs of HD individual recording, not including all the Network recording you could do with PTAT, and not including any of the VOD space. Fios has 80hrs of SD recording........
If I am missing something or wrong I always come back and say so. I'm not seeing how Dish is anything but light years ahead in recording space.

Yes those are the old boxes that only had 20 hrs of hd, they had 160gb. The new 500gb boxes are not in wide release and not on the website, we have them in our area hence me going to fios, would not have if they still only had the old boxes. Right now on mine I have 13hours of hd and 9hours of sd and its 20% full. And for less than having 2 hoppers and 3 joeys, we have 3 duo dvrs and 2 stbs with their own tuners, so 6 tuners to record and 2 extra live tuners. Yeah ptat is a cool feature, but no one watches every single show on primetime, so a lot of that space is wasted. most nights i am only recording one or two different channels on network, and not the whole night, and if it is more, its usually cw or pbs, which is not included in PTAT anyway. So we have the same space we would have had with the Hooper system, 1.5tb (i am counting one hopper with ptat enabled and the other with it not). So we have 6 tuners to record what we want, can spread them out since all can share with each other, and can still watch live tv on the secondary tvs even if all the dvr tuners are filled. Now I am not saying hopper wont work for others, but for larger families it is not a good option. But all this space stuff is besides the point, it is still misleading when they are saying 2tb and taking 75% of it for their use. That was the point I was making. I personally did not leave because of the space, I already had 3 1tb EHD, one for my 722k and 2 for two 211ks, so i did not care as much. I am just saying its misleading. I am happy about not upgrading to the hopper because the vip system is better for larger families, and i did not figure that out until getting into the nitty gritty of how the hopper worked, frankly if they just let us add another 722k we would not have had any problems, but they have that 6 tuner limit.
Doesn't Dish have MORE than double the recording space, without the VOD - without even the PTAT space? I'm willing to go down the misleading path if my figures are wrong, and Indeed Fios (maybe others) are not less than twice the space. If Dish including VOD is the only reason they have more space, I might agree. I'm not seeing it. If you add two more DVR's to the whole home system with Fios it almost matches the user section of 250hrs HD Dish has, but with Fios it's SD and not including space for PTAT and all those network recordings Dish has, and at a much higher cost per month. Add two HD receivers, you still have only 80hrs SD with Fios and their whole home system, and still at a greater cost per month.
I think direct has more if you don't count vod or ptat, they have 5 tuners and 1tb i believe. PTAT give s you 6 during the night, but with d you get 5 to record anything you want anytime which for most people will be better. so no dish does not have more unless d also takes some away for vod, i don't know how they do things.

And I agree, if they just said 250 hours, double than most the others. Ok, but if they are touting a 2tb hard drive that you only get 25% to use, that is misleading.
They may I didn't look, I was more comparing to Cable, traditionally Sat has been ahead of Cable.
But all this space stuff is besides the point, it is still misleading when they are saying 2tb and taking 75% of it for their use. That was the point I was making.

Well, we may actually be closer to at the least seeing each other's point. If VOD had alot less space, it would not be any big deal, for me even with PTAT as I think that is genuine to include. But having 50% dedicated to VOD is the sticking point, and as you say, if that's being included in what is available it isn't telling the whole story......
They may I didn't look, I was more comparing to Cable, traditionally Sat has been ahead of Cable.
yeah, if price was not a factor i would prefer the direct system to be honest. But for us personally, fios was best because of the double play and since we had Dish Latino max on dish, we gained a lot of channels and hd over what we had for dish by moving, and paying less than we were paying for dish and fios internet. I already knew the fios boxes would hold less even with the same space because i had them before, i am not arguing that. I just find it is misleading that they say 2tb when they take 75% away even if you disable ptat, which some people will do. And I am not saying this just because I moved to fios, i am not a fan boy, i said this even before i was considering moving back to fios, I did not know this was the case when i was thinking of upgrading, and when i read it on here I said it was misleading, and I still feel that way. and yeah, they are including vod when they say 2000 shows and movies, fios could say the same thing.
Dish is offering a product that is far better than previous boxes. It has 500g for user recordings - about 250 hours HD (verified by the average 2g per hour that was displayed on my old 622/722 EHD lists) - plus 96 hours HD PTAT recordings in a separate partition. And you can attach an EHD with up to 2t (1,000 HD hours) additional storage that is treated as smoothly as internal storage with the new interface. That's with one Hopper, with two it doubles. What's the gripe? Where can you do better? If you don't like their use of space get a different box or go somewhere else. I'd be willing to bet that they didn't design the use of space just to irritate you - it's likely the engineers had reasons, now or in the future for the design. :D
I think direct has more if you don't count vod or ptat, they have 5 tuners and 1tb i believe. PTAT give s you 6 during the night, but with d you get 5 to record anything you want anytime which for most people will be better. so no dish does not have more unless d also takes some away for vod, i don't know how they do things.

When you say 'most' people, you need to think about that a bit, I think. 'most' people are not posting here, nor do they use their sat gear at all the way we do in general. 'most' people watch TV, record a bit of it and have 2 tvs in the house. So I actually suspect that for 'most' people either the Hopper/Joey or HR34 system would be the same in actual use.

The only way 'most' people might see the HR34 as the best way to do things are if you think 'most' people are posting here and at DBSTalk. And that certainly is not the case at all.
Dish is offering a product that is far better than previous boxes. It has 500g for user recordings - about 250 hours HD (verified by the average 2g per hour that was displayed on my old 622/722 EHD lists) - plus 96 hours HD PTAT recordings in a separate partition. And you can attach an EHD with up to 2t (1,000 HD hours) additional storage that is treated as smoothly as internal storage with the new interface. That's with one Hopper, with two it doubles. What's the gripe? Where can you do better? If you don't like their use of space get a different box or go somewhere else. I'd be willing to bet that they didn't design the use of space just to irritate you - it's likely the engineers had reasons, now or in the future for the design. :D
I did go somewhere else :). Everything you said does not make it any less misleading however.
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When you say 'most' people, you need to think about that a bit, I think. 'most' people are not posting here, nor do they use their sat gear at all the way we do in general. 'most' people watch TV, record a bit of it and have 2 tvs in the house. So I actually suspect that for 'most' people either the Hopper/Joey or HR34 system would be the same in actual use.

The only way 'most' people might see the HR34 as the best way to do things are if you think 'most' people are posting here and at DBSTalk. And that certainly is not the case at all.
I do think most people would prefer the way d does it. it would work better for the guy who has two tvs posting in this thread that came from 2 722s to the hopper joey and does not like it. its the same price as the hopper joey, but you get 5 instead of 3 tuners and 1tb instead of 500gb. and the second tv has its own tuner as well for live tv. when you get past the 1hopper/1joey then even more would prefer the d system because if you do what dish says and have 4tvs with 1 hopper and 3 joeys then that creates a whole other set of issues.
... I think three Joeys on one Hopper is fine if one room is for very occasional use. But if all Joeys are in rooms that get used to any degree, there is probably going to be disappointment. ......
Anything more than one Joey on a Hopper, and that household is asking for trouble.

Two active Joeys on a single Hopper could cause serious trouble in the domestic harmony front. Three will be a sure-fire recipe for disaster.

Could help Dish wireless plan.

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