Will my receiver still get HD?


The Cable Killer
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jan 2, 2005
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Hey guys, I haven't been to the forums for a while as I haven't had satellite service in about a year due to financial problems. I've finally patched that up and about to reactivate my tv service through dish. Problem is I have a 811 receiver and I'm wondering if I can still use this for HD or if you have to now buy their new receivers to receive HD content? Thanks.
New or Old receiver

The 811 will get HD, but only the mpeg 2 channels. The 9.99 hd pack for current subs still works but new subs must get an hd pack and a vip( 211 or 622) receiver to get hd. I just upgraded from 2 811's to a 622 and I am keeping an 811 for an extra room. It will get the old hd channels just not the new ones. Go to dishnetwork.com and the hd programing section for details
You most likely wont be able to activate the 811 now since the conversion to mpeg4. A couple of people have said they were able to activate or reactivate non mpeg4 receivers but theres been more posts about not being able to. If you shut off a year ago then you may be able to get the new customer promo's now as I believe they changed it to a 6 month gap.
pabisc said:
The 811 will get HD, but only the mpeg 2 channels. The 9.99 hd pack for current subs still works but new subs must get an hd pack and a vip( 211 or 622) receiver to get hd. I just upgraded from 2 811's to a 622 and I am keeping an 811 for an extra room. It will get the old hd channels just not the new ones. Go to dishnetwork.com and the hd programing section for details
I have a superdish 121 and 811. Does it make sense to upgrade to 622? I live in a condo, adding another dish is not easy.
shlin said:
I have a superdish 121 and 811. Does it make sense to upgrade to 622? I live in a condo, adding another dish is not easy.
Look at this thread about adding another DishPro LNBF to your superdish to get 129. If that or another dish at 61.5 is not an option for you, you won't be able to get most of the new HD channels.

You didn't say where you are located, go to www.dishchannelchart.com and find your local channels, see if they have migrated from 121 to 110. If so, you can disconnect the 121 feed and use that for 129 or 61.5 without needing a new switch.

RA on a Leased Receiver with DHP

Maybe a stupid question but...

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