Woohoo! Dec 1 I get my 921 qnd 522! (I hope)


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Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
North Arkansas
Just got off the phone with my dealer and I am penciled in for Dec 1st instal of a 921 HD PVR and a 522 dual tuner PVR and Superdish with local channels for 3 TV's.

If I wanted it this week, I would have needed to go with an 811, a 322, and a 301. (I think? my mind is mush from all the numbers in my head

:( )

I dunno if I am getting a deal or not cuz the 921 is gonna cost me $850.

Then a $9.00 HD fee per month.

So help me sort this out guys. I thought that with the D.H.P., I wouldn't have to outlay a grand to watch Dr. Phil. 8)
Mark_AR said:
So help me sort this out guys. I thought that with the D.H.P., I wouldn't have to outlay a grand to watch Dr. Phil. 8)
If you're forking out $850 then you're buying a 921 and not leasing it. Based on this DHP document the 921's are not currently part of DHP.
video62 said:
OK, it's Dec. 1st... what did you end up with?

I ended up holding an empty bag... *sigh*

I am bummed out and about ready to give up. I have gotten different answers each time I call the local retailer.

If these things were software, it would equate to 'VAPORWARE'

OK, so now everyone can chime in and say 'told ya so....'
Scott Greczkowski said:
He caught a cold :D

Hey scott....

dfergie said:
like charlie brown at halloween "all I got was a rock"

I'll have to get Marvin to fire up his 'Illudium Q36 Space Modulator' and ZAP Charlie!


You don't want to make me angry!
Mark_AR said:
dfergie said:
like charlie brown at halloween "all I got was a rock"

I'll have to get Marvin to fire up his 'Illudium Q36 Space Modulator' and ZAP Charlie!

In order to preserve SatelliteGuys as the gold standard for accurate information, I must point out that it should be "Illudiom Pew36 Explosive Space Modulator" :D
I have a feeling Charlie will be in Santa mode and have a few surprises for us.

Unfortunatly I blew his $199 811 surprise for him though.

Just In: NBA HD on Dish Network Update

811...DHP...confusion question from the newby

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