Survivor: Tocantins -- The Brazilian Highlands

Time for Coach to go! But it does make me laugh that basically everyone else is laughing AT him during tribal (including Jeff). He lives in his own little world, that's for sure.
Not saying she makes it to the finals, just that you get rid of the cancer first. For me, I'd take out Coach, then Erin, then the school principal, then Sierra.

I kind of have the same game plan except Debbie would be first, then coach, then Erin, then Taj. You can use Sierra as the perfect floater, keep her to the end and then walk away with the cash. :D
Taj has been pretty quiet the past couple weeks unless I missed something during the 10-12 mins that I lost power during last week's episode. She was the main focus in several episodes there for awhile it seemed.
Taj has been pretty quiet the past couple weeks unless I missed something during the 10-12 mins that I lost power during last week's episode. She was the main focus in several episodes there for awhile it seemed.

I know. Kind of crazy how she's done a full 180. She seems to be far more laid back now. I wonder if it had something to do with her "aunt flow" visiting or something.;)
Poor poor Coach. To save his ass now, he has to grovel to both Sierra and Erin. Two players he has constantly put down the whole game. :p

I loved it when Probst called him out about blindsiding Brendon after his spiel about wanting to go against the best to the end. Basically showed him to be the self centered liar that he is. :D

JT and Stephen played it brilliantly. They got rid of the one physical threat left. Coach, for all his coachyness and stories, has shown to be pretty weak in the physical challenges. If JT & Stephen can manage to keep Erin in line for another round, it's them and Taj to the final 3. That immunity idol that Stephen has will be pretty useful, especially since Coach has no idea he has it.
I think Debra would be next to go if she doesn't win immunity. Debra is pretty good at challenge and she won the last one. Coach is horrible at challenge and no one likes Sierra, so they are not as big a threat as Debra. Either way, they will be the next to go I think.

JT is in a dangerous position. I think Steven is going to blind side him soon. Steven doesn't have any loyalty. He would do anything to get ahead.
Haven't we seen crocs in that river that they are all bathing in ? I would be a bit concerned about bathing in it and having one of them pop up real close to you !

I doubt they were in the same area. It wouldn't surprise me if they somehow had that area blocked off with nets or something.

That's one big insurance liability there.
Well well well, the pain in the A$$ is gone.
I still would of kept her around a little longer and got rid of Debbie.
I agree. I think Debbie should have gone. Good ol Coach got caught in a little lie. What a punk.
Coach will get his I hope by not getting a million dollars.He's such a pompus *ss !

Unless he wins every immunity challenge from now till the end, there is no way they'll keep him around.

Unless they're smart. He's the only person remaining that I would want by my side at the end. Sierra was my first choice but now it has to be coach if you want the mill.
Maybe she was much more annoying the real world, but they should have booted Debbie or Coach. Foolish. Coach is the really irritating guy to me. He is so conceited I can't imagine him actually as a "coach."

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