Recent content by slvrgnsprman

  1. slvrgnsprman

    1000.2 (EA)

    Limit scan checks four transponders on each orbital location, the same four that are checked on the STB Health. What varies is the minimum signal strength as it is dependent on your location (zip code).
  2. slvrgnsprman

    Leased Receiver Routine Maintenance OK?

    Blowing the dust out every six months is a good thing. As an installer, i wish more people would do it. But why in the world would you want to replace a hard drive in leased equipment? If the hard drive is bad, let E* send you a new receiver or send a tech to replace the receiver.
  3. slvrgnsprman

    problems with pause/skip/ff and remote with 722

    How full is your hard drive?
  4. slvrgnsprman

    dishtv remote won't work with new tv

    What is the brand and model of your new tv?
  5. slvrgnsprman

    HD Upgrade Question

    If you get local channels from Huntsville, you will need a 2nd dish pointed at 61.5 for HD locals. And if the tech is mart, he will not replace your current dish 500 with the 1000.2, just swap out your lnb for a Dish Pro Plus Twin.
  6. slvrgnsprman

    DPP44 Dead????

    Go to Lowes or any other home improvement store and get an outlet tester. If the tester tells you that the outlet is anything other than good, have an electrician check it out.
  7. slvrgnsprman

    dish csr problem

    The heading for this thread should be "Idiot Dish Customer Problem"
  8. slvrgnsprman

    Dish remote with Magnavox TV/DVD combo

    Try 066. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Combo tvs are funny like that.
  9. slvrgnsprman

    Getting Sanyo vcr recognised

    Try this code. The code for a Sanyo VCR is 049, not 149. The remote wil flash quickly once for a zero and flash somewhat slower for a one. Hope this helps.
  10. slvrgnsprman

    105 SuperDISH Installation Help

    Aim the dish using the 105 sat, not the 119.
  11. slvrgnsprman

    help on dish 500 installation. TRANSPONDERS?! ARG!

    If you have your skew and elevation set properly for your area, use the left side of the LNB to lock in your 119 sinal and the 110 signal will (should) lock in also.
  12. slvrgnsprman

    Grounding options.

    As a tech trainer I can tell you your tech is wrong. You need to ground the dish to the ground block to prevent static build up. Get enough and it will pop the switch like it was a 9601 LNB. I always ground my dishs to the ground block using the messenger wire.