10 day wait for service

Time Warner Cable has the worst customer service ever. I am having to wait 22 days to get service when I originally called they said they would install it today. Now I dont get it till the 21st because someone messed up and all they can say is we dont have any appointments. I am not yet a customer and am getting treated horribly! I would live for Verizon to service this area as FIOS is great!
If I read Steve's previous response correctly, a big part of his problem with DISH was the crummy DVRs. He left DISH in 2004, which means he was most likely using a 7100/7200. No wonder. Those of you who can't understand are using the modern DVRs.
Actually my big problem with Dish is the schmuck that runs the company, but it wasn’t just the crappy DVRs. I didn’t have the Dish Player 7100, I had the 501 and 508, which were just awful, bug ridden POS boxes, probably not as bad as the DishPlayers though. Lacking such basic features as dual tuners and name based recording didn’t favor too good with me when the stupid things would record or just randomly reboot. And then there’s the programming, which is my main concern, what good is some fancy DVR if you have no programming to watch since the greedy pig that runs the company takes away channels. I left Dish a week or two before the Viacom channels were pulled. Again, all I want a DVR to do is record stuff, whatever the latest DVRs can do, I have no interest in that. The only recent Dish DVR I have experience with is the 722, as my uncle has two of them. He’s got to be on his third or fourth one for the living room by now, and at least second for the bedroom, he’s always having problems with them. And having a PPV ad in the EPG is annoying as all hell.

So when I say I am beyond frustrated with TWC DVRs, it is because I came here off a DISH 622, with a short stop on a Comcast/Motorola DVR. The 622 was by far the best. The TWC box I initially got wasn't bad (Samsung) until TWC "fixed" it 2 months later and removed the favorites list, 30 second skip, external HDD support, etc.

I’ve never used favorites lists with any provider, I can’t say I miss the 30 sec skip and I have yet to fill over 15% of my 500GB hard drive, so I have no need for an external hard drive. So I can’t really relate.

Steve seems to have good service reps. My last service call took 9 visits over 12 weeks and I never did get it correct. I have resigned myself to intermittent SDV channels. The signal is weak. They admit it, but can't fix it. Again Steve, I respect your opinion and am happy that your cable marriage is made in heaven. Please respect that others may have different experiences.

I’ll respect others opinions when they respect mine! Telling me that I must be getting paid in order to post something positive about TW gets no respect from me. If you said that to my face I’d spit on your sorry ass.
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Actually my big problem with Dish is the schmuck that runs the company, but it wasn’t just the crappy DVRs. I didn’t have the Dish Player 7100, I had the 501 and 508, which were just awful, bug ridden POS boxes, probably not as bad as the DishPlayers though. Lacking such basic features as dual tuners and name based recording didn’t favor too good with me when the stupid things would record or just randomly reboot. And then there’s the programming, which is my main concern, what good is some fancy DVR if you have no programming to watch since the greedy pig that runs the company takes away channels. I left Dish a week or two before the Viacom channels were pulled. Again, all I want a DVR to do is record stuff, whatever the latest DVRs can do, I have no interest in that. The only recent Dish DVR I have experience with is the 722, as my uncle has two of them. He’s got to be on his third or fourth one for the living room by now, and at least second for the bedroom, he’s always having problems with them. And having a PPV ad in the EPG is annoying as all hell.
Uh, nobody had dual tuners in 2004. Comparing what they had then to what you have now is pretty iffy. The 508 eventually got NBR and most of the bug fixes you are complaining about. Again back in 2004 the only DVR that had NBR was the TIVO

As for "that greedy bastard that runs the company" as you so colorfully put it, I wish more providers would play hardball. The channels eventually come back (except in NY and I guess that is your real bitch) However, I am now paying triple for the cable portion of my TWC bill compared to what I paid back in 2004 with no real increase in content. I don't see how that is a "service" to anyone.

I’ve never used favorites lists with any provider, I can’t say I miss the 30 sec skip and I have yet to fill over 15% of my 500GB hard drive, so I have no need for an external hard drive. So I can’t really relate.
Well, la-de-dah for you. Again, my mileage may vary.

I’ll respect others opinions when they respect mine! Telling me that I must be getting paid in order to post something positive about TW gets no respect from me. If you said that to my face I’d spit on your sorry ass.
OK, that's it. I dare you to go back and find a single instance in any post I have ever made in any response to you that was less than respectful. Saying that my experiences don't match yours is not the same as calling you a liar or a paid shill. Others may have said that in this thread I DID NOT. I DEMAND AN APOLOGY. Keep it civil or STFU.

Please don't forget: The world don't march to the beat of just one drum. What may be right for you, may not be right for some... All I ask is that you please consider that others may not have the same experiences you have had and should be allowed the courtesy of their own viewpoints.
Uh, nobody had dual tuners in 2004. Comparing what they had then to what you have now is pretty iffy. The 508 eventually got NBR and most of the bug fixes you are complaining about. Again back in 2004 the only DVR that had NBR was the TIVO

Incorrect. back in 2004, the DirecTiVo was out, there was Microsoft Ultimate TV for DirecTV and the earliest cable DVRs were out like the Sci Atl 8000. All thee of those DVRs had dual tuners and NBR.

As for "that greedy bastard that runs the company" as you so colorfully put it, I wish more providers would play hardball. The channels eventually come back (except in NY and I guess that is your real bitch) However, I am now paying triple for the cable portion of my TWC bill compared to what I paid back in 2004 with no real increase in content. I don't see how that is a "service" to anyone.

I want my content, I don't care what it's going to cost. prices will increase no matter what, so if prices go up, at least give me the content I want. And i don't know about your area, but backn in 2004, TW had like 2 HD channels, we now have upwards of 140. I'll say that's worth a few bucks more a month. Chuckie is fighting for his own pocket book and no one elses, the guy is a greedy miser.

OK, that's it. I dare you to go back and find a single instance in any post I have ever made in any response to you that was less than respectful.

I was not referring to you
I was not referring to you
Yet the response was directed at me and said:
I’ll respect others opinions when they respect mine! Telling me that I must be getting paid in order to post something positive about TW gets no respect from me. If you said that to my face I’d spit on your sorry ass.
Your latest response is not an apology. It is yet more whining self justification from a little boy who can't understand that other people may have different experiences and viewpoints. Again, for the last time, I was never attacking you and you can't seem to distinguish between an attack and a difference in experiences. Bored now. buh-bye
I will defend the companies I do business with against trash talk from the ignorant. Don’t like it? Too damn bad!

Honestly, I dont care, I just found your stance humorous.

As I find that fact that you say people are trash talking when they give an experience with a company that you do business with that is in conflict with your own.
Not everyone has the same experience when you get to a company as big as those discussed here. Hell not everyone will with a mom and pop shop.
I have worked with time warner (now BHN) for over 10 years and aside from the time we had 4 hurricanes rip down most of our plant, I have never once heard of anyone having a service call take longer then just a few days to schedule. If it was after a huge storm or a couple days of big lightning storms you may see 4-5 days IF that, but 10 days? Your local TW is really dropping the ball unless there is some real major problems going on in that area?
I talked to some of the techs, they have just been cut back that much. All the scheduling is now being done out of San Antonio and they have no control over anything locally any more.
Well TWC is #3 most hated company in America... Perhaps my experience is not unique:

The 19 most hated U.S. companies include several telecoms | RCR Wireless News Austin

Time Warner Cable (TWC) landed third, due to problems including usage caps, increasing fees, fraudulent business acts and poor services. In June 2011, a suit was filed against the company for refusing to make closed captioning available for CNN’s online videos after being notified by angry customers. Time Warner also mistakenly aired pornography on children’s channels in a disastrous public relations incident.
Too bad you don't live in my neighborhood. TWC here is so desperate for customers, they go out of their way to please and constantly offer deals. I haven't paid full price for internet in over 5 years. I am still getting a $50 package for $20. If something went wrong, they would fix it that day.

That is what competition does to a company. It holds them accountable
Although your post is funny, I do have to concur with Steve (which I believe will be the first time ever). I guess it depends where you live. In my case TWC has to compete with FiOs, Verizon DSL, and other VOiP services like NetZero. I think it is competition that keeps them in check.

Note: I am only talking about internet; I do not use them for TV
I would have no trouble switching from Dish to TWC if they had the service in my area that they have in other areas of the country. They do not really have competition here.
Although your post is funny, I do have to concur with Steve (which I believe will be the first time ever). I guess it depends where you live. In my case TWC has to compete with FiOs, Verizon DSL, and other VOiP services like NetZero. I think it is competition that keeps them in check.

Note: I am only talking about internet; I do not use them for TV

Dodger, in my area of Western New York, TWC has no competition for internet. As for their video product line, the u.s. offerings are second to none; with the exception of a few HD channels many of us would enjoy; i.e. NFL Network and especially the NFL Redzone; plus the Mark Cuban Channels . (they trail dish by leaps and bounds for international programming). It is my understanding this fall their version of NHL Centerice will offer many more HD Games each evening than in the past, which would be a major improvement. I don't like their dvr's, but after being spoiled by Dish's 722 VIP for years, who would. Plus if you are a Buffalo Sabres Fan and/or NY Yankees or Mets fan, your only choices are TWC or Directv, with TWC quickly making standalone internet price prohibited, and forcing you to bundle.
What do you mean no competition? Fios has been in ther Buffalo area for a few years now. Just because Verizon is being a piggy and not laying fiber on Grand Island doesn't mean anything. TW and Verizon compete on a regional basis, not town by town. TW isn't going to offer a faster speed tier in East Amherst because it's a wealthier community, but not in Holland because its rural. TW doesn't work like that. Once the headend is upgraded the whole area gets the faster speeds. When do you think Verizon will bring Fios to Olean or Forestville. Never that’s when. And guess what? Those that live in those areas can get 50Mb wideband so long as they are serviced by Time Warner.
Steve, I think you may be forgetting areas where TWC inherited older copper systems. They initially offered me a higher bandwidth, but the installer said he couldn't provide it given the 40 year old overhead service lines and dropped me back to a lower bandwidth. BTW, old phone lines too, so forget fios or even DSL.

I would guess that eventually they will replace the lines, but Islandguy may be running into the same situation.
Steve, I think you may be forgetting areas where TWC inherited older copper systems. They initially offered me a higher bandwidth, but the installer said he couldn't provide it given the 40 year old overhead service lines and dropped me back to a lower bandwidth. BTW, old phone lines too, so forget fios or even DSL.

I would guess that eventually they will replace the lines, but Islandguy may be running into the same situation.

Crappy overhead lines from Verizon for sure. I can't even get DSL from Verizon. I dropped them for home service 4 years ago and went to strictly cell phone. So basically if I want broadband it is TW or nothing.
Steve, I think you may be forgetting areas where TWC inherited older copper systems. They initially offered me a higher bandwidth, but the installer said he couldn't provide it given the 40 year old overhead service lines and dropped me back to a lower bandwidth. BTW, old phone lines too, so forget fios or even DSL.

I would guess that eventually they will replace the lines, but Islandguy may be running into the same situation.

My point was with Time Warner, once a headend is upgraded, all the households that are fed from that headend can take advantage of the higher speeds. While Verizon just cherry picks specifics towns and communities where they deploy faster service, and what a joke Verizon is. They can't even do that right. Even with cherry picking that lame excuse for an internet service provider still can't make an ROI.

Cable bill to go to $1,950 per year

hbo and cinemax ondemand hd

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