Ciel 2 Tracking

I have seen from all the statistics that Ciel 2 has 32 transponders how many does Ciel 1 have?

Also I looked at the expected footprint of Ciel 2 it had 3 beams hitting Texas does the footprint cover the southern tip of Texas?

The reason for that last question is in South Texas 129 footprint does not reach and we have to use 61.5. Also 77 and 72.7 do not reach so everyone has a wing dish for HD.
I have seen from all the statistics that Ciel 2 has 32 transponders how many does Ciel 1 have?

Also I looked at the expected footprint of Ciel 2 it had 3 beams hitting Texas does the footprint cover the southern tip of Texas?

The reason for that last question is in South Texas 129 footprint does not reach and we have to use 61.5. Also 77 and 72.7 do not reach so everyone has a wing dish for HD.

Texas is fully covered by the Ciel 2 Conus beam and has 6 Ciel spotbeams that effectively blanket the state (including South Texas).

Ciel 1 does not exist at this time. The name has been reserved for another Ciel satellite yet to be launched and located at another slot.
Texas is fully covered by the Ciel 2 Conus beam and has 6 Ciel spotbeams that effectively blanket the state (including South Texas).

Ciel 1 does not exist at this time. The name has been reserved for another Ciel satellite yet to be launched and located at another slot.

Actually the E-5 satellite was renamed Ciel-1 similar to Rainbow-1 being renamed to E-12.
I think Ciel's computers are frozen. Thats what happens when you operate from Saskatchewan. Maybe they should switch to the seal skin business. Ciel selling seals. Arrr Arrr.
Since this satellite is not Dish's it could be fully insured. Dish dropped insurance on satellites after the trouble they had collecting on E4. They probably are doing a lot more tests on it for insurance verification before they move it. It is one thing if you have nothing to lose by moving it into place earlier (once you are sure you have the basic controls down) and do in place testing with real signals vs. a couple hundred million dollar insurance policy.
I dropped my Insurance too. I had trouble collecting on health care because they said I was eatin too much junk food and not takin care of my self as well as there guide lines. I was watching too MUCH TV is what they said instead of exercising.
I dropped my Insurance too. I had trouble collecting on health care because they said I was eatin too much junk food and not takin care of my self as well as there guide lines. I was watching too MUCH TV is what they said instead of exercising.

So it is Aflac that is holding back our new HD?!?! I knew that duck was bad news...
You may see it called Ciel 1 on some secondary sites but Industry Canada has it licenced as Echostar 5 and I don't believe the name Ciel 1 was ever officially used.
Spectrum Management and Telecommunications - List of Satellites Approved to Provide Fixed-satellite Services (FSS) in Canada$FILE/ciel-e1.pdf

Another nice link post. I noticed from looking at the data that Ciel has named satellites Ciel 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 on the drawing boards for various sites.

Also, Industry Canada is supposed to be notified 4 days in advance whenever E-5 is to be taken out of service. (?)

Bah.... HumBUG! I've been visiting several miles inland for two weeks, HOPING against hope that they would have this problem solved by the time I got home.

Yea.. right.

HOW can they sell a product, when they KNOW there is a HUGE problem with the area where I live.. then have the gall to tell me (just first level billing support, I know, they will give in if I press) to tell me that I have to honor my 24 month contract...

Bottom line, I don't want OUT of the contract, I just want Dish to deliver what they said I was buying..

So far, I have not gotten completely through ANY SINGLE HD program on 129 without losing signal, somewhere, usually, at the worst possible moment..

How in the F*** can they sell something they can't deliver, then insist that the consumer honor the 24 month "contract"....

Sincerely hope they do not piss me off enough to get to the challenge level. I'd really rather just sit back and enjoy my flat screen and not loose sleep over my inept provider..

An email or letter with a basic outline of WHEN they plan to deliver what has been contracted for would be a really nice start.. remember.. I'm new to dish, left Charter Cable because they did not have HD.. DISH told me, 'yea come on board, we'll give ya hd'..


Get the friggin sat on site, delivering what you're selling or piss off!!!

Sorry... I'm must vent, as I've been enjoying HD for two weeks, only 100 miles inland and now, can't get it here where I pay, 24/7 for it and only visit about twice a month and now, once here.. I get CHIT!


Get it working Dish or be real in your marketing in ruarl areas!!!!!!!

Pissed in on the coast,
Wayne Sagar
Bah.... HumBUG!

(Blah blah blah)

Get the friggin sat on site, delivering what you're selling or piss off!!!

I feel your frustration- well not really, because I get my STRONGEST signal from 129, but I understand it.

But...don't you think DISH wishes it was in place right now? Don't you think they wish it had been in place 6 months ago?

It's all out of their control. DISH does plenty of things wrong, but this isn't one of them. And even if it was, whining to us wouldn't help.

If you really want out of your contract, then put your energy into that- or at least get some kind of credit. Report them to the BBB (thought how I got my long delayed rebate). Do SOMETHING useful. Complaining that DISH does not have the magical powers to accelerate time is not useful.
I feel your frustration- well not really, because I get my STRONGEST signal from 129, but I understand it.

But...don't you think DISH wishes it was in place right now? Don't you think they wish it had been in place 6 months ago?

It's all out of their control. DISH does plenty of things wrong, but this isn't one of them. And even if it was, whining to us wouldn't help.

If you really want out of your contract, then put your energy into that- or at least get some kind of credit. Report them to the BBB (thought how I got my long delayed rebate). Do SOMETHING useful. Complaining that DISH does not have the magical powers to accelerate time is not useful.

Strongest is 129? Something wrong with your dish? E11's signal blows E5's out of the water! But in my area there isn't an issue with 129 here unless you have a tree blocking it.
Bah.... HumBUG! I've been visiting several miles inland for two weeks, HOPING against hope that they would have this problem solved by the time I got home.

Yea.. right.

HOW can they sell a product, when they KNOW there is a HUGE problem with the area where I live.. then have the gall to tell me (just first level billing support, I know, they will give in if I press) to tell me that I have to honor my 24 month contract...

Bottom line, I don't want OUT of the contract, I just want Dish to deliver what they said I was buying..

......Sorry... I'm must vent, as I've been enjoying HD for two weeks, only 100 miles inland and now, can't get it here where I pay, 24/7 for it and only visit about twice a month and now, once here.. I get CHIT!


Get it working Dish or be real in your marketing in ruarl areas!!!!!!!

Pissed in on the coast,
Wayne Sagar

Wayne, I feel your pain, but you know you CAN do something about it. Downgrade to an SD plan (AT200 or maybe even "family pack"?) for a month. It'll cost you a $5 downgrade fee, and you may have to pay an "HD enabling fee" for your DVR for a month, but at least you won't be paying for something you can't receive. In a month, all should be well again. You should probably work through to make sure you get to someone who understands the situation. Make sure they realize that you will want to return to whatever package you have now after the month is out, and get it IN WRITING. Maybe they will give you some credit on your bill for a month or two instead if you're really nice to them. If this is all too much of a hassle, just sit back and be patient for 2 or 3 more weeks. Many of us here have had varying degrees of problems with 129 for months or years, so we understand.

When I took a look at Satelliteguys "The List" (a great summary of the sat details), I can better understand the time it is taking. It has a huge number of new beams listed (unavailable) with a bunch still unidentified.
Strongest is 129? Something wrong with your dish? E11's signal blows E5's out of the water! But in my area there isn't an issue with 129 here unless you have a tree blocking it.

I live in the woods, so yes, it's trees. I'm probably exaggerating...119 is the strongest most of the time. But 129 is much better than 110. I have not checked signal strength since E-11 came on line, but 9 times out of 10, when channels drop out, it's from 110.

I have a non standard set up...a single LNB pointed at 110, and a dual LNB pointed at 119/129. It's a long story, but basically, when 129 came online, I could never find a good standard solution using the 2 masts I already had installed. The dual is peaked on 129, which means 119 is 1 degree off, but the signal there is strong enough to handle that.

I'm sure raising them would help, but it's easier to clear the snow with them down low. Snow is a bigger problem than rain fade here...but when it does rain, 110 is the first thing to drop. I've only ever had 129 problems during a huge windstorm.

Turbo HD only packages for existing?

Using on-screen Customer Service via phone line

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