CNN and HLN gone/ Dish-Turner Dispute - Now Back 11/21

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I fully understand what you're talking about. I can return the advice. However the constant reminder of how you feel, is something that is going to detract from real discussion on the sight. You have it out there, we understand how you feel, now move on. Put them big boy pants on, and if you hve that real "constructive criticism", then instead of whining about it, offer an actual solution that will still leave the company profitable. As it was pointed out earlier, a company that has a diminishing net profit, is still going to last longer, then a company that has a consistent net loss. You have offered zero to your own argument, other then "I don't like it, but I want more". It's not just me that has told you this, so please, take heed of this. I do t care if you want to keep crying about it, but you will continuously be met with the same response until you offer more to the argument.
Thanks for the acting like a "big boy" and the advice. I will take my own advice and put you on ignore, since you seem to prefer it . That way I can continue to express my opinions without having to listen to you. You have the same option of course and I encourage you to take it .

Have a nice day. :music
That is great except you don't have the hopper right. Far as I can remember you are on the VIP receivers. But let me ask you something? What if this February DISH decided to go up on your dvr fee and make it the same as the hopper fee? Say $12.00 or even say $17.00 so they could use the same model as the hopper. You know $17.00 for the dvr fee and $17.00 for the 2nd 722k on your account ,similar to what they do for the hopper with $12.00 for the dvr fee and $12.00 for the 2nd hopper on your account. A way to generate some more revenue from their existing subs and possibly push them to the Hoppers so they can retire another older model of receiver they don't want to support any more. And remember DISH has done a lot of changes in their equipment fees since the 2010 changes ,when it used to be just $5.00 for an additional SD receiver and $6.00 for an additional Hd receiver and the HD fee was only $6.00. Would you then feel that maybe DISH had gone to far in their equipment fees and dvr prices?
You're right, I don't have a Hopper, because I decided that an additional $11 (now $12) in fees to serve 2 TVs wasn't worth it. I did something about it by not upgrading.

Did you save money upgrading to the Hopper over the additional ViPs you used to have? Or are the fees close to what you used to pay but now have better equipment and more features?
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You're right, I don't have a Hopper, because I decided that an additional $11 (now $12) in fees to serve 2 TVs wasn't worth it. I did something about it by not upgrading.

Did you save money upgrading to the Hopper over the additional ViPs you used to have? Or are the fees close to what you used to pay but now have better equipment and more features?

I started with a 722k and two 211ks that I turned into dvrs so my fees were $7.00 + $14.00 for two 211ks =$21.00 a month. Note that I had to get rid of my second and third 722k receivers when DISH hiked the price for an additional 722k on your account to $17.00 in 2010.

When I first started with the hopper the dvr fee was around $10.00 like the 922 I had years ago. I figured it was worth the extra $3.00 for the prime time anytime feature and auto hop. Then they hiked the dvr fee to $12.00 like last year and the second hopper fee ,as you know , was hiked from $7.00 to $12.00 as well. So after buying my hoppers and my joeys I was paying only $31.00 for a 4 room setup with two hoppers.

AFter the hikes, I had to drop the 2nd hopper and go for a super joey for $10.00 and my two joeys. So now I am paying $12.00 dvr fee + $10.00 super joey + $14.00 for two joeys=$36.00 for my same 4 room setup. I don't feel the fees that they charge are priced right as I have already stated. IF you remember at one time you yourself, said that you thought the first joey should be free to go with the hopper. Without it you couldn't really call it a whole home dvr. But that wasn't to be. As for the equipment it is cutting edge and I really like the hopper. They are like the 922 dvr except they work with built in sling. I recently got a I-pad mini for like $242.00 on Amazon that I use to download my shows to and take to work so I can watch them when I'm not busy. So I am finally getting my money's worth in usage, though the monthly fees are definitely higher than my older setup.

The biggest gripe I personally have with DISH, is the constant tinkering they do with their Fees and the hikes they come up with . It makes it very hard to keep up with all the changes and I have to rework my setup to avoid certain fees and to accommodate all the changes. Years ago, I had the 721pvrs and some 501 pvrs and DISH decided to add a dvr fee per dvr receiver unless you had AEP. So I escaped the extra fees by subbing to AEP. Then they said no more savings if you subbed to AEP and I has to once again come up with another system that I didn't get penalized for. That was trading in my 722 dvrs for a 722k and two 211ks and paying the $40.00 fee to turn my 211ks into dvrs to escape the monthly fees. Mind you I own all my receivers and it gets a bit costly to keep up with their changes. I also own the receivers on my parents and aunt accounts in my name as well. I have to keep their setups the cheapest I can with little to no extra frills, since they are paying me for their bills.

So you didn't answer my question I posted earlier. Would you still consider your Vip setup a good deal, if DISH decided to hike the Vip dvr fee to say $12.00 like the hopper or to $17.00 like a second 722k on your account? DISH is notorious for these equipment fees and miscellaneous created fee hikes and it would not surprise me if they decided to do this ,in an attempt to force more people to abandon their older Vip receivers and upgrade to the pricer Hopper /joey setup ,so they could stop supporting the older receiver classes and to generate even more fee revenue.
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If it wasn't for the renters in this house that contribute to pay tv bill plus the rooms
I would of canceled a long time ago regardless of ETF.

In other words there's no loyalty for me in these services, if it would break the bank.
pretty sad when we are almost into week 4 of the dispute and no deal is made and we are talking about other things. pretty sad. you know most people say no news is good news, in the case of disputes, no news is bad news.

Edit: we have an update from the Dish Stands For You site:
We sincerely appreciate your loyalty - thank you for staying with us as we work to reach a fair and reasonable agreement with Turner.

that update was posted at 5:29 PM on Friday.
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Well the "complaining serves no purpose" statement from some here in my opinion is false. I do read through these posts and it often give me knowledge of certain aspects of this business I never knew. Thus I have better knowledge to make better decisions regarding my Dish subscription. Or for that matter in comparison with other providers. And no, I am not condoning personal attacks.
Well the "complaining serves no purpose" statement from some here in my opinion is false
I was one of the people who made a comment like that and while I'm not going to go back and find the full comment, I thought it was clear that it was meant in reference to the company (Dish, in this case). The way you take those complaints is valid - they warn subscribers or potential subscribers of what to be aware of.
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I started with a 722k and two 211ks that I turned into dvrs so my fees were $7.00 + $14.00 for two 211ks =$21.00 a month

So now I am paying $12.00 dvr fee + $10.00 super joey + $14.00 for two joeys=$36.00 for my same 4 room setup

So I am finally getting my money's worth in usage
That's the way to do it -- stick it to the man !
The biggest gripe I personally have with DISH, is the constant tinkering they do with their Fees and the hikes they come up with . It makes it very hard to keep up with all the changes and I have to rework my setup to avoid certain fees and to accommodate all the changes.

Unfortunately fees are always going to change and go up. It is a game played by all the providers. They want to advertise a low monthly price that is essentially unprofitable, but through the use of upselling and fees they can make a profit. If everyone had AT120 with a 211k without any extra receiver fees, DVR fees, and had free HD Dish would probably go under. Cable companies are the same way, you want that low price but don't get a DVR...
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Unfortunately fees are always going to change and go up. It is a game played by all the providers. They want to advertise a low monthly price that is essentially unprofitable, but through the use of upselling and fees they can make a profit. If everyone had AT120 with a 211k without any extra receiver fees, DVR fees, and had free HD Dish would probably go under. Cable companies are the same way, you want that low price but don't get a DVR...
Unfortunately very true. I have been with DISH for 18 years next January and I have seen them change directions so many times in regards to equipment fees , dvr fees, tv 2 connection fees etc. IF I had played the game that many do and just churn every two years to get the best deal from the competition then bounce back to DISH for their best new customer deals I would probably save more money. But I don't like Directv and cable just sucks big time. That is the problem when you buy your receivers and invest in a company . Loyalty is rarely rewarded if you stay. But I can still call Loyalty department and get discounts off every 6 months and will be doing so this month too. I just think that DISH is being short sighted in their approach and could turn around the churn and attract new subs if they would take my advice and offer no monthly fees on joeys if you buy them out right. It would definitely keep me as a sub if they did.
I have seen complaints on here get results in the past. Dish seen them and they made adjustments before. For the most part they do no good though as we are a minority of the subscriber base although some may say that we represent them all, we are a different breed than most of the subscriber base as well.

Dish is going to charge as much as they can until they see it affect their bottom line. They probably have someone figuring out the money they lose from subscribers vs. the gains they would have with increased pricing. Same goes with dropping programming. If they are losing less money dropping the programming at the price they want to pay than the subscribers they lose as a result then they have no reason to keep those channels.

I am curious what type of advancement they will do with their NuTV service such as DVR functionality and the pricing they will have with it. It would be nice to see a service that had a simpler pricing scheme including all the features (HD, DVR, etc). That in itself would make it competitive if they didn't charge extra for it.
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Fair enough, but I would love to have him or Ted Turner as mentors through my degree plan. It will likely never happen, but I do like to use them as inspiration to how I would like to run a business. im inspired by their tactics, and impressed by self made billionaires.
Dish has been rated the worst company to work in the US for the past 3 years running.
Charlie is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with corporate America.
Soon as I get my ducks in a row with the VA lined out and get my operation done and get pushed to a 100% disability I am going back to school to get a degree in occupational safety and health. Then I will peruse a a job with OSHA and become a safety cop, it will be my pleasure to be able to walk on to any job site and do my job.
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You forget I worked for them when they were rated that. A lot of it was BS, a lot of it was true. Overall, Charlie held his ground. Keep in mind, that wasn't under Charlie's complete control at that time either. That was when Joe took over. Ex employees have gone out of heir way to talk about how much they hated works for Charlie, until they didn't work for him anymore. Me and you are on similar paths, although I could easily rate 100% with the VA I purposefully accepted a 90% disability rating from them, am using the GI Bill, and still want to use him as someone to look up to. Charlie is not what is wrong with corporate America. Charlie is corporate America, and all of its glory. Tell me, exactly what it is that Charlie is the problem with? Because I guarantee he did it, not only to suit his wallet, but also to benefit large groups of people.
Off topic, but how do you expect to get a job with a 100% disability rating? That's a lot of tax free cash. I'd just kick back and enjoy.

While on the subject of vets, remember all who served on Tuesday. Currahee!
That was why, me in particular, took 90%. More options for work, and schooling. There are still options at 100%, but you are limited twice as much. It is a decent amount of money, I wouldn't say a lot, but definitely in most cases quite enough.
And from one veteran to all others, I agree and wish a happy Veterans Day.
Charlie is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with corporate America.

If he is so bad, how did Dish manage to grow to 14 million subs? There is no reason to have Dish other than to want it. It is not essential to life, Dish does not have an exclusive on their programming or equipment. They are not the employer of last resort. 14 million subs chose Dish because to them at the time it was what they thought was the best deal. Dish still manages to find employees, and they are not all quitting.

With every company and product, there will be unhappy employees and customers. But, you cannot be successful for as many years as Dish has been successful without satisfying customers and despite the "bad workplace" surveys keep employees over the long term.

Dish has innovated a lot for the industry. The whole Local into Locals that Dish pushed for actually gave competition to cable companies that did not exist. Carrying HD before most cable systems was another big push. DVRs too. Dish is in a generally hated industry with spiraling costs, but still has managed to do quite well.
I have looked up to Charlie in the past as well, back in the Charlie Chat days, when satellite was more in its infancy. Thought it was cool of everything he accomplished in such an interesting industry. Then I heard about how Dish was the worst company to work for and heard many bad things that I did not agree with how things were done. But then again you have to look at how successful he is and how that did not happen by accident. It's like someone once told me, you either get run over or do the running over. You can't always get things accomplished by always being nice.
i want to ask you guys think will there will be agreement between dish and turner in the couple of week a month i hope they add they add those hd channels back.and will dish add many more hd channels this year
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