I do agree with what both of the last two posts say but as a bce stock holder, we want the brokers/pirates stopped. This phone line to activate system is coming, there will be some exceptions to rv's/government and companys, this has to stop now or we/bell will be the next directv when it comes to pirates. This is just not bell wanting this stopped in america, you may not know but bell, directv and dish work together to stop brokers/pirates on both side's of the border. It's coming sooner than you think and what will happen is the brokers will not be able to do anything and will move to selling starchoice which is already starting to happen beacuse they know what is coming. Again this will be only when new card is activated, after activated system does not have to be hooked up to phone line. You brought up cell phones or voip, this will be dealt with in a phone call from or to a expressvu csr. You see what is happening and this is a hot topic among holders is a trend is occuring of brokers selling and providing pirate cards/devices to recieve bell expressvu programing without written consent from L.P expressvu.