Getting Started with FTA

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Okay, so here are some pictures. 3 is a view of that whole side of the house. Side porch, garage, driveway, shed. 6 and 7 is standing right next to the tree next to the garage, looking over the roof of the barn. 8 is the great spot I picked out, and 9 is looking back at that spot. 10 looks back at the spot next to the tree by the garage, and if you look at the very right edge you can see the dish where it is now. (I was aimed at 97W for Al Jazeera at the time.)

12 and 14 are looking from right behind the dish at the view of the sky from its current placement.

- Trip


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...... If only 103 wasn't skewed so badly...

Be sure and try scanning 103W, I don't have any trouble locking and viewing the DVB-S tps (Pentagon & MicroSpace) with a motorized 90 cm dish with zero-at-true south skewing.

The S2 tps are more challenging and require utilizing the oddball skew.
N4MJC, Nice yard lots of space I wish I had that much space.

Be sure and try scanning 103W, I don't have any trouble locking and viewing the DVB-S tps (Pentagon & MicroSpace) with a motorized 90 cm dish with zero-at-true south skewing.

The S2 tps are more challenging and require utilizing the oddball skew.

I did. I got it in, but I feel like performance might be better (and I wouldn't have duplicates of everything) if not for the odd skew on it.

Isn't 103W due for replacement soon anyway? I thought I remembered reading that somewhere.

N4MJC, Nice yard lots of space I wish I had that much space.


Thanks. :)

- Trip
The replacement satellite keeps getting pushed back because of problems with another satellite that's supposed to be launched on the same rocket. The last I heard, it wasn't going to be til late next month at the earliest. Which doesn't sound bad, except that it was supposed to have been a couple of months ago.
I was going to post earlier, but some code work needed to be done for RabbitEars, so I was on that all evening. :)

So right after posting my previous message here, I gathered up my gear and went out to try to adjust the dish again today. I had planned to leave it alone for a while, but the weather was just so pleasant today that I decided I might as well. So I first lifted the front right corner a few mm, then the whole right side a few mm. Then I spent quite a while screwing with the positioning overall. I've got it now to where I can cleanly decode all the TPs I wanted (other than the DVB-S2 that this box doesn't support, of course) on 125W and still see 97W pretty well except that KTV2 breaks up somewhat, which is disappointing. A significant improvement over yesterday's setup where I had 97W but could only get one TP on 125W and that one wasn't usable.

I still want to get it right, since I do watch things on KTV2, plus I'd like to try to make 99W and 91W somewhat stronger if possible. I'm not really sure how to fix it from this point though. 125W works best when I pull back a bit on the mast while 97W works best when I push it forward a bit (where forward is south--toward the motor). I tried pulling in the perpendicular directions but that only made things worse. I thought maybe my aim at due south for the motor was off but couldn't get it improved by trying to adjust that.

And my box is continuing its downward slide, with more glitching of the menus on the screen than ever and some other questionable behavior. I'm really not sure what to do about a USB receiver, but I think I want to try to get one sooner rather than later. Any opinions are appreciated. :)

- Trip

The 3rd and 4th pix as shown in your post (#61) - pix P101007 and P101008 looking over the small barn looks like a great view. If that were close to the southern view, I would think that would be an ideal location to set a motorized dish.


The 3rd and 4th pix as shown in your post (#61) - pix P101007 and P101008 looking over the small barn looks like a great view. If that were close to the southern view, I would think that would be an ideal location to set a motorized dish.


Those are actually two somewhat different locations. It is a southern view, I'm looking south-ish in both pictures. Not sure how far east it goes, but a few years ago I borrowed a friend's DirecTV system when he deactivated it because I wanted to see how my view was, and from that general area I remember having a good lock on 119W and that was aimed basically the same direction as I'm looking toward the barn in that third picture. So I suspect my western view is okay.

I know they'd be good locations, but I'm just not sure I want to invest the effort to put something over there, which would include installing a properly installed pole (since the ground isn't flat there) and the burying of cable, since I will most likely be moving out again once I have a job somewhere.

- Trip
I think my dish shifted slightly over night as KTV2 is now in stronger and the weakest of the PBS feeds has dropped off. At this point, I'm not going to worry too much, since I have no audio anyway.

However, I just got done ordering a TeVii S660, so whenever that gets here, I'll be worrying about it a bit more. =)

- Trip
Well, I came back in from the other room to find my box not outputting video and with a "6" on the display. I cannot get it to come back on. I tried to flex the board, which has worked in the past, and I tried heating the board since heat has previously helped. Neither has worked thus far. Does anyone have any thoughts about what I could do with it?

EDIT: I opened it up and tried checking the voltages out of the supply board and all were 0. Closer looking revealed a bulging capacitor that looks as though it has been previously replaced. So I'm going to order a replacement cap and try replacing it.

EDIT2: I discovered that all the symptoms my "dying" box has had for the last few months can be explained by a capacitor going bad. So once my replacement capacitor arrives, my box may come back to life free of issues. :) Or so I hope.

- Trip
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trip, good luck with the resurrection! Also, checked out the rabbitears place, very interesting site. I thought I was the only one using Aptosid ,lol.
Though I don't keep it updated enough.
trip, good luck with the resurrection! Also, checked out the rabbitears place, very interesting site. I thought I was the only one using Aptosid ,lol.
Though I don't keep it updated enough.

Haha, thanks. Glad you like the site, I put tons of work into it. And I'm not sure how much longer I'll be on Aptosid, but yes, I'm one of those very few who uses it. I'm thinking about switching to straight Debian when I get a new computer in a month or two.

I also forgot to mention that a friend of mine advised me that I should rotate my motor a few degrees to the west to see about cleaning up my aim problems, and sure enough, that helped a lot when I went outside and tried it today. Before my box died, I was seeing some 94s and 97s on some things for the first time ever, including a 91 signal from one transponder on 97W, and when I moved to 125W with my motor, had clean decodes (though not entirely stellar signal levels) on all the PBS feeds. :)

- Trip
Well, I came back in from the other room to find my box not outputting video and with a "6" on the display. I cannot get it to come back on. I tried to flex the board, which has worked in the past, and I tried heating the board since heat has previously helped. Neither has worked thus far. Does anyone have any thoughts about what I could do with it?

EDIT: I opened it up and tried checking the voltages out of the supply board and all were 0. Closer looking revealed a bulging capacitor that looks as though it has been previously replaced. So I'm going to order a replacement cap and try replacing it.

EDIT2: I discovered that all the symptoms my "dying" box has had for the last few months can be explained by a capacitor going bad. So once my replacement capacitor arrives, my box may come back to life free of issues. :) Or so I hope.

- Trip


Hey, that would be excellent if that resolves your issue with the 6K! I am crossing my fingers for your good luck here!

I understand your dilemna about setting up a more permanent system if you plan on moving sometime in the near future. But, I am sure that you understand my urging even if it is temporary. It would be so nice to have a great LOS and play with that in experimentation as opposed to fighting for a limited view. You will have to do with what resources (and LOS) that you have at present and make the best of it.

I just polished up this weekend helping a neighbor set up DN for his RV. That was an experience. My SuperBuddy meter did not like to work with his DN LNBF. It was a Dish Pro Plus triple LNBF for 110/119/129 on a 1000.4 dish. Man! Is that LNBF a power monger! It took a lot longer than I expected because my battery kept going dead and I had forgotten that I could use the IRD to power the system.

We were down along the river and there are trees everywhere, so it takes a keen eye to locate the "hole" to aim through. We set up a "test" tripod RV mast on Saturday to check it out thoroughly. I got excellent C/N ratio readings with my SuperBuddy, but none of his channels would come in on his receiver. Turned out that the camper sales company had miswired his external power cord and damaged a lot of the electronics. They either replaced or repaired the DN receiver and it had been disconnected for too long so it needed a "rehit" from DN to reactivate all his subscription channels. We got that done and had everything coming in great.

The next step was to install a permanent mast and dish and run cables to each camper. This second, permanent dish turned out to be more difficult to align for some reason. It took me longer to figure out all the details, but after two hours or a bit more, we had that dish set up and running. That is much longer than it should have taken, I should have been done with the entire installation within 20 minutes! I felt displeased with my progress (time-wise), but he and his wife were very happy with the end results.

I only asked him to pay for the cable and the connectors at first. 250 feet of RG6 quad shield @ $0.07 per foot + 12 connectors @ $0.35 each = $21.70. But, the "porta-potty" guy came out to service our campground and I didn't have my billfold with me. So I asked him if a $35 fee would be OK for all the hardware and my time. He asked me in return if that was enough.... I told him that it was just the right price! :) That paid for the "porta-potty" service. I hope that I was fair, I only do this for a hobby and to help my friends, so I think it wasn't out of line.

I thought you might enjoy hearing this story of my latest installation. It's just for interest and curiousity and fun.


Hey, that would be excellent if that resolves your issue with the 6K! I am crossing my fingers for your good luck here!

Thanks, me too. I was advised by a friend of mine to use my Coolsat to drive the motor and loop out to the TeVii USB receiver, so I hope that I can fix my Coolsat.

I understand your dilemna about setting up a more permanent system if you plan on moving sometime in the near future. But, I am sure that you understand my urging even if it is temporary. It would be so nice to have a great LOS and play with that in experimentation as opposed to fighting for a limited view. You will have to do with what resources (and LOS) that you have at present and make the best of it.

Oh, I absolutely wish I had a sturdy pole. I'm sure it would have made this setup significantly easier to deal with.

My problem isn't so much with the pole as with burying my cable. If I did put in a pole, it would not be at my current location, as I'd prefer the better LOS of the spot next to the tree as you suggest. I really don't want to go through the hassle of digging up the driveway this month to have to dig it all up again next month. (I'd be particularly worried about damaging my cable trying to dig it up.)

And when I do move, I won't have the space to transport a pole surrounded by concrete, I don't think. :)

I thought you might enjoy hearing this story of my latest installation. It's just for interest and curiousity and fun.


Absolutely. Thanks for sharing it. :)

- Trip
When I dig up a driveway or even just the lawn, I bury a poly pipe (3/4 inch was $4 for 100 feet last time I bought). then I can pull out the co-ax and LV wire at any time. If I am going to have more wires later or run the drip irrigation line too, I put in bigger poly pipe.But then, I have more property than many....
It lives!

The caps arrived this morning, did an even swap and it powered back on with less frustration than I've had since I bought it. The display on the front is brighter now, too. :)

I am just pleased as punch to have it back operating today. :D

rv1pop, where did you buy that 3/4 inch line? Just out of curiosity.

- Trip
3/4 inch irrigation polypipe from Home Depot (pro-desk). The irrigation pipe is not guaranteed to be leak free at pressure, so it was cheaper. I think it was only rated for 20# instead of 40 to 80#. But for wire protection it is OK. The 1/2 inch is easier to find and if you want only one wire or cable it works good.

edit: it was priced per 100 feet, but I got 500 feet off a 1000 foot (originally) bundle. the local irrigation supply place told me they get their pipe there and resell it. It may come from the HD warehouse .
Well, something's still wrong with my box. I turned it off today for a minute or two to make my wiring a bit more sensible and when I plugged it back in, nothing. Opened it up and 0V coming out of the supply board again. Replaced the cap I put in yesterday and it still didn't work. Then, while I was sitting there staring at it, the thing turned itself on. I was able to repeat this twice more and now have it running again but am afraid to turn it off.

My TeVii USB receiver is sitting in customs in New York. Hopefully it'll come by Monday.

- Trip
Just thought I'd post an update. Yesterday, my TeVii S660 arrived and I've been barely able to tear myself away from it. It works really well. I bought a copy of DVBViewer and already owned a copy of TSReader so I'm greatly enjoying this setup I have now. I also enjoyed an HD UVA baseball game yesterday at 38 Mbps, even though I am not a sportball fan. I couldn't turn it off because it looked so crisp and clear.

One thing that was really bothering me, though, was that my new DVB-S2 capable receiver was unable to pull in any of the DVB-S2 PBS feeds. So today I spent several hours fighting with my dish setup, and it's now significantly better than it was. All the DVB-S feeds now have a comfortable margin. Montana PBS is in solidly, LPB is now always decoding with errors, and I've seen OETA try to decode but it's not consistent. I'm concerned that my dish is too small to receive these feeds reliably. Other than AMC21, the rest of the sky is booming in now. I've got 100% signals on select TPs on 123W, 101W, and 95W, and the KTV2 TP is solid (though weak) on 97W.

If it wasn't for OETA and LPB not coming in properly, I'd say my current aim and setup is just about perfect outside of my narrow view (91W-125W only). Outside of those two TPs, all the programming I want on Ku is now available to me. :)

EDIT: I may have spoken too soon. Montana PBS is now experiencing momentary breakups every few seconds. I guess there wasn't quite enough of a margin for that one.

- Trip
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