How about a Poll -> Are Dual Format Players Gaining Ground ?

Can you play both Formats ?

  • I'm a Hard-Core Blu-Ray Only Supporter

    Votes: 7 17.5%
  • I'm a Hard-Core HD-DVD Only Supporter

    Votes: 7 17.5%
  • I can play both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray (w/ 1 or more players)

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • I can play Blu-Ray -> I'll have an HD-DVD player in the near future

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • I can play HD-DVD -> I'll have a Blu-Ray player in the near future

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Oct 13, 2003
Denver, Co
With so many exclusive titles on both sides I decided not to choose. I can play both. For me the format war is mostly over. I suppose the only risk is if one format wins and my player dies (leaving me w/ unplayable discs).

I'm curious, how many of you can play both formats ?

What I'm really trying to ask here is if you are format neutral? Two players works fine too. This will ultimately lead us to low cost dual format players.

In the world of DVDR, + or - could have naturally taken over by now. But, most recorders are dual format and both types of discs are still on the shelves.
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I own both formats but dual format players are doomed at their current price levels.

Of course. But the prices will likely come down.

The original (crappy) LG was $1000. The new Samsung and LG units just came out and the price has already fallen to $750-800.
I have a PS3, but will pick up an HD DVD player in the next 4-6 months providing there are no major developments in the "format war" that would make BD the clear winner (ie Warner going BD exclusive; HD DVD studios switching exclusivity or going neutral).

There are just too many movies out there right now on HD DVD only that I'm tired of waiting to see (and trying to avoid watching upconverted on SD DVD).
I'm hoping a major Blu studio will go neutral. However, the Blu studio that has movies I actually want is Sony/Columbia. To a lesser degree, I want some stuff from Lionsgate. I won't lose any sleep over Fox and Disney.

I will likely buy a BD standalone this summer if prices come down for the profile 1.1 players.
None of the Combo players are doing well numbers wise. Less than 3% of total players. Customers haven't really been satisfied with them either. A lot of people that bought the Samsung 5000 returned it and got two players like the A35/BD30 combo for about the same or less.

Looks like most folks just do not want to vote. Just like our political elections -- why show up? As for dual format players -- they need to be in the $400 to $500 range and not the $1000 dollar range for most folks to even get interested. And they need to work alot faster then they do.

As for being Tru Blu(I really did not have to tell you folks that) I am occasionally drawn by the evil red side but I feel that if I really want to have only one format I have to stay with the girl I brought to the prom. Supporting both formats is only going to put the decision in the hands of the folks who make the money and not the ones who spend it.

How about a novel idea, support just one, buy all of your movies on just one format and do without. The lets see where the dollars land. If you really support HD-DVD do NOT buy a BD player and do NOT buy a dual format player. Spend all your home entertainment dollars for movies on HD-DVD. And do the same if you support BD. If everyone does this I believe this silly format war would be over in a year.
As for being Tru Blu(I really did not have to tell you folks that) I am occasionally drawn by the evil red side

I'm not sure why we're calling HD-DVD the "red" side. I believe both are using blue lasers of the same wave length.

As to the cost of a dual format player.... I absolutely agree that it's currently too high (that's why I went with a $300 dual format drive in a media pc). But, if the consumer wants to play both formats more vendors will produce the players and the price will come down.

So far from this poll it looks like around 50% are heading into the land of format neutral.

JoeSp would like to see 1 format win. I just want my movies and don't really care which format wins. Well, that's not really true. I've now purchased both Blu-Ray and Hi-Def DVDs. So personally, I'd like to see both formats survive and the price of dual format players to drop.
David- Could be two reasons and I once wondered the same thing...

HD DVD does use a blue laser but is in a red plastic box.
BluRay uses a blue laser and is in a Blue box.

The latest sale prices with HD DVD in the past 3 months with promos (get one free with 1080p monitor purchase) as well as just plain lower prices and specials for both BDP and HDDVD allowed me to do both for less money than the single dual format player. I got the HD DVD player free with monitor purchase and paid under $300 for the BluRay player.

Personally, I never intended to be favoring one format for the home theater, only for my production business which was to be BluRay only because it is Sony and will be supported by the Sony editors I have invested( both money and learning curve) in. I had always planned to have both and really don't care if the war is ever won but I would like to see all titles available on both for my home theater. But that is not a problem for me as it is for those studios who feel for fiscal reasons need to side with one or the other but never both. For me it was a matter of a few hundred $$. But for some people and I have no idea why, they feel it is their life's mission to wave the placards for one format. Trust me David, I'm a professional, and if either camp wants me to wave their placards, they need to pay me for that service. I'm no volunteer soldier for either camp! My time spent here in this war zone is to make posts that show there are those of us who really don't care which one wins and are most happy we have choices and chose to have both.
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I hope this is not an odd suggestion but, buy the entertainment you want not a format. For me the movie, game, show is the main concern. It's up to the manufactures to make a product I can use, I do not buy something I am not interested in because it the "right" format.

I own BR (PS3) and HD (A2O) players. If something I want is available in both format I buy the first one I see. To me both formats look and sound very good.
Thanks diogen, my error. I should not have tried to type these posts while talking on the phone
I corrected the OP.

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