Moving. Need advice on planning new dish farm.

Please reply by conversation.
Well, back on track with the big dish relocation.

Previously I was pretty much mum on how it is I’m moving into a new house. I’ve been elusive about it because to be honest, I’m freaked out by it all and having a lot of trouble coping with all the changes in my life the last few years. Especially now. Well, my mom passed away about 3 years ago and since then my dad has been terribly lonely, he never had to live alone before in his life.

Anyway, he’s found a lady who lost her husband a few years ago and they are going to get married and he’s going to move in to her house
so he’s ~giving me~ his house. It’s a bitter sweet deal for me. It’s hard for me to see my dad with someone other than my mom, but I don’t want him
to be lonely and miserable. Anyway, because of all this I am getting a much, much nicer home. As you’ll see, my dad’s dish is still on the side of the house
and he’s leaving it behind as well. So the plan is I’m going to go plant a single, fixed 1m dish aimed at 125 at the house he’s moving to, he’s taking his Openbox S9
with him because he really, really, REALLY likes his PBS. Everything else is, meh...... As long as he gets PBS there he’ll be happy.

So I’ll have his motorized dish which I’ll put my MicroHD on that one. Then I’ll move my motorized KU over there as well which will go on my A3.

So what I did today over there was take a tape measure and stretch it out along where the new fence will go.

Then I cut PVC tubes and fit them together to represent the footprint each dish will require, I measured each dish I have and cut tubes to represent the clearance needed on the back, the sides and all the way out to the edge OR the LNBF, whichever protrudes the most. The X piece in the middle is where the poles will need to go.

I laid them on the ground to see if I can fit them all within the 14x30 area, to make sure that they don’t overlap and cast “shadows” over one another or otherwise physically hit anything such as the fence, air conditioners or each other.
Much to my dismay I can just barely fit half of them on the side. Because I need to keep ‘like dishes’ together, IE FTA vs Dish subscription, I came to the conclusion that I can fit my FTA dishes on the side of the house but that my subscription dishes will have to go in the backyard along the side of the garage. I did not want any dishes in the backyard, I wanted it to be strictly tech-free back there, just gardens and stuff but there’s no other way.

So I’ll have to bury a conduit from the house to the garage then have my Dish SW31 switch branch out to the three dishes. I didn’t take a photo of that, I was tired and forgot to.
I spent a few hours baking in the sun shuffling these things around trying to make everything fit. I also took into account that the C-band BUD will have to be up high enough to clear the air conditioners.
I’ll actually have to have it’s pole about 6’ tall so it will clear. That will make working on it very much a pain in the backside and require a tall ladder. That part I’m not happy about.

Anyway, here’s a few pictures of how I was trying to figure this out today. I laid a compass next to each “jig” and aimed them in the direction needed. The first few pictures were me trying different things, all of which were a flop.

The LAST photo is fairly accurate placement of where my dishes will go.
Furtherest back near the fence/gate will be my 6’ mini-BUD. Next, moving to the front will be my 10’ BUD. Closer to the front is room for my 1m USALS KU dish which will be close to existing KU (my dads)
Back in between the two BUDs I have room to drop in a 1m to leave on 97. Or better yet, 103 which will never become SES-3. Jerks... So I can get all my FTA dishes into the house on two wires then my subscription dishes on a third wire.
It’s going to be a whole lot of digging. But since I’m having the fence extended on both sides of the house I’m going to have the fence people drill the holes for the dish poles and put the cement in but I’m going to do the leveling of them because I don’t want “good enough” or “close to level”, I want absolute DIGITAL precision with ZERO POINT ZERO percent error. They may not like a woman shooing them away to take over something they think they should do but that’s just too bad, I’m paying them to do a specific thing, MY WAY. MY WAY....

So now I have a pretty good idea of what needs to go where and that yes, it can be made to fit. Mostly. I’m not really pleased with having to put dishes in the backyard but there’s no other way.


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Well my new serial adapter came in and it works perfectly.
With my new laptop I can now control/update/modify/whatever my
  • ASC1
  • AI Turbo S2 meter
  • my ancient Birdog pre-USB meter.
and I’m sure anything else that needs a serial port. Or needs to be connected to an actual windows computer.
It just works.

The reasons for keeping my windows HTPC are pretty much down to nil.
For the time being I am leaving it as is. But once I move to the new house I am converting it into an OS X file server and erasing windows from it, forever.
Anything I would ever need to do on a windows computer, I can do with the new laptop OR with a virtual PC running in Parallels on one of my three Macs.
I’ll only have to turn the laptop on to program one of the three above devices. Other than that I don’t need it.

My goal of a microsoft free home and life is soooooooooo close !!

I’ve figured out all the details of the fence and gates that need to go up, I’m very, very particular about how I want them built and have specific details I will demand of the builders because contractors are notorious for ripping off women, short changing and short cutting us. I know that if I do not do my due diligence and keep a close eye on them they will try to rip me off by using substandard materials and doing shoddy work. I will be their nightmare because I will watch everything they do and measure every bit of material they use to be sure they do what I want, the way I want it done. Yes, I’m a b****... :devilish

Anyway, I have it all figured out what size, length and number of poles I need for the new dishes.

I’m ready to start making the phone calls next week to get things started. Since I’m going to have the fence builders dig the holes for the dish poles and pour the cement I have to coordinate it all which is going to be tricky.
I have to purchase the poles and prepare them in advance of the fence builders so it can all be done at the same time. I’ve only got about six weeks to get all this done.

Needless to say, I’m trippin out.. I never, ever imagined this would come to be..
Sample picture from the Amazon site, this isn’t my stuff, I just bought this display stand. I have different displays.


I just got one of these in today from Amazon. I can’t believe how heavy it is! I think it weighs like 40lbs before even putting any displays on it!
When it’s up and all the displays are mounted it’s going to be almost 7 feet wide ! I’ll feel like I’m sitting at Mission Control !! :D

On the bottom row I’ll have my 24” iMac on the left (it’s a stand alone, self contained iMac) that I’ve ordered a VESA adapter for so it can mount like the displays above.
In the bottom center will be 24” display for my Super Mac. It’s a massive, high powered beast, the most powerful Mac you can get and then some.
The bottom right will be a matching 24” multi-purpose display that I watch TV on while I work. I have an 8 way HDMI switch so I can watch any of the many HDMI devices I have on it.

Top center will be the 19” screen for my security cameras, it displays 9 cameras at a time in a grid at 24fps smooth, real time and live.
Upper right will be a 24” HDMI TV for watching my Amiko A3. It has three inputs so I can switch it to different sources if I want.
Upper left will be a matching 24” HDMI TV for watching my MicroHD. As it’s twin, it has three inputs that I can switch sources.
I’ll also have three tablets at hand and a laptop. My workstation will be quite extensive.

Then above all that will be another row of three, small 7” TV screens that I use as spot outputs for my cameras, they cycle through all the cameras on each screen so I don’t miss anything.
I can push a button and bring up any camera to any of the small screens if something is going on. With three dogs and many cameras mommy has many eyes.

With the large screens I can bring up any of my Macs or video sources. I can extend the Macs into all the screens at once if I want. Very handy when I’m editing video and doing my photography stuff.
I’ve begun to gather the things I need to get all that in place as soon as possible. I need my workstation up and going pretty much the same day I move it.
I hate my workstation I have now, it’ a bunch of displays hanging off of a cobbled up 90’s computer hutch that’s worn out and falling apart. It’s a horrid thing and I can’t wait to break it up with a hammer and burn it.
Yours has to be one of the most complicated home dish projects EVER.
Too bad there isn't a Dish Pointer Premium Edition for multiple dishes!
Would using some of that paint they use to mark sewer and gas line locations be of any help? (I've seen it at hardware stores.)
Could you set up your security cameras to do a time lapse documentation of the construction? That would make an interesting YouTube video.
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Because I have to dig 6 feet deep or more, and because there are buried wires and gas lines around, I have to call some Texas811 number and they will come out and mark where all the buried stuff is so we don’t get killed. I’m going to buy some orange spray paint to mark where the dishes will go and the fence poles too.

However I’m afraid I won’t have my security cameras up at the new house for a few months. I’m leaving them at my old house for a few months until I get totally moved out of there because if there’s any motion they will email snapshots to my cell phone and I can log in and watch the cameras live while I call 911. There have been several break-ins in the neighborhood here and with my reduced presence I’m worried my house may become a target. So I’m leaving lights with random timers running and I have a “Fake TV” gadget I’m going to leave running in one room so that it appears that someone is watching TV all night long.

I bought the first model several years ago and it’s pretty good but I want to buy the newer, high power model that puts out light like a big screen TV would.

At the new house I plan to buy all new cameras, I want modern high definition cameras. The ones I have now are old, old, old... I got like 3 dozen of them for $5 each. They are OK but you can’t get any detail from them.
My hobby being photography and videography, I come to expect a lot from a camera. The other thing is that at the new house there’s no way to use my existing cameras without making the place look tacky.
The new place, the cameras need to be more subtle and innocuous. I would prefer that they not be obvious to the casual observer.

With new HD cameras I’ll have to have new DVR equipment for them. I can use some of my old cameras like around the garage where I can hide them under the eaves and paint them to match so they blend in but everywhere else is a whole different story. The house is two stories with straight up sides and no eaves or awnings. So my options are pretty limited.

Anyway, as things progress I’ll be taking plenty of photos of the work and installation process. Most of them will just be iPhone pictures because it’s such a pain taking my pro camera over there every time I go do something and it’s a tedious process to set it up and then it becomes that it’s all about the camera and everything else stops. Having a big camera can be a hinderance when you’re trying to get something done. It’s BIG. It’s bloody enormous and heavy. And it’s not a point and shoot that I can hand over to someone, it’s a professional camera that’s totally alien to any and everyone I know. So I’m the only one that can handle it.

I talked to my dad last night and we’re going to meet up next week and go over the details of the new fence and the poles for the dishes so we can get that going asap. We need to find someone to build the fence and a place to buy the various poles from. We set a date for the official handing over of the keys and that’s right about 7 weeks from now rather than the 6 weeks I had thought before. That’s fine because it gives me more time to get things ready and it will be cooler weather during the moving. Thank goodness this isn’t happening in the summer ! Ugh... I hate summer. Which is eleven and a half months of the year down here.

I still need to go back and make a few more “trial runs” with my PVC widget thingies like I did earlier to make certain that I won’t have dishes casting shadows over one another. I’m still not sure I’m going to get it right, I have my doubts.
That 10’ BUD worries me because I sort of had one idea where it should go but then my dad was like “Well just switch them around” which I did and while it seemed OK at a glance, I’m just not sure yet. I can not afford to mess up.
I get one chance to make it right because these are the monsters that will not be “fixable” if I place them wrong. I’ve got a whole yard full of random placed dishes now and I hate it. I want some science and math in on this deal.
I’m tired of goof ups and all the other nonsense. That’s why I’ve begun to replace all my cheap “get-by” things with the best money can buy versions of whatever it is I need.

Do it right or don’t do it at all.
Well with Weigel leaving FTA I no longer have any incentive to put up my C-band dishes. I just bought a brand new ASC1 and it was all for naught.

I guess I’ll sell my C-band stuff. Now everything has totally changed. I’m really freaking upset and angry about this because the local MeTV feed is complete CRAP.
It’s miserable. The use such a low bit rate that it’s unwatchable. Then to add insult to injury, they inject the IGNORANT local ads which are unbearable to watch.

I don’t even want to watch MeTV anymore because if KBMT will be my only source, it’s just too awful to tolerate.

I spent a lot of money on FTA the past few months and over the years, it’s been a LOT of money. And now it’s all going away.
There’s nothing on C-band now, I guess there’s RTN but I don’t feel too compelled to put that much effort into putting up all my stuff to get that one channel that really has very little I care to watch, not to mention their PQ is pretty poor too.

As far as KU goes, the only thing I really have any interest in on it anymore is PBS and I don’t watch it enough to make the effort.

I see FTA dying out completely in the very near future.

I think my days of FTA are at an end now. I may just complete abandon the hobby when I move and sell all my stuff. I guess I’ll sell my new meter too. A freaking $1,000 meter and it’s all going away. I don’t need it anymore. Once I SEE that the channels are actually gone then I’m selling everything.
I’m really p***ed that I’ve spent so much money and put so much effort into this and it’s all over now.
I just bought a bunch of brand new stuff and it’s never gonna see sunlight. Bloody hell !!!

B***ards..... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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I use KU only. Between the preachers on 97W and PBS on 125W there is always something to watch. Isn't there lots of commercials on C band? What about your OTA antenna?
C Band is still King of FTA. It is constantly changing, but it is still a viable option for me. I just don't need the "too many dishes to count", option anymore.
One must always be reminded that in this "hobby" channels come and they go. It is part of the "hobby", seeing what you can find out there. If you want consistency, that is what DISH and Ditrctv is for. :)
Remember this is a hobby. :)

Posted From My HTC One
Seriously? Death of FTA! Cut the drama!

Put down the coffee and take a deep breath before ranting. In a few months there will likely be a new channel to get excited about and a different channel to morn the passing.

FTA is like the stock market. Hang in there through the swings and you win. Sell on the low and you are stuck with a loss.

Between FTA, OTA and IPTV, I don't have enough hours in a day to watch the shows that interest me. Tons of FTA shows and feeds. In fact, there are hundreds more channels in the clear today than were available during the BUD craze!
Amen Brian!!!!

Posted From My HTC One
Well the thing is, for you guys there is a lot of stuff. Cause y’all watch sports. So that gives you guys tons and tons of stuff.
I don’t. I also do not watch religious channels. Ever. Nuff said on that subject. :shh

I have only found two networks on C-band that cared about and that was Luken and Weigel.
Once Luken left KU I haven’t been able to get it on C-band, I guess I have alignment issues so I’ve left the dish parked on 101 for Weigel content.
I figured once I moved I would get it all sorted out with the alignment issues. But my interest in Luken stuff has waned greatly.

I don’t see myself needing C-band from here on out. All I’ve ever seen is channels/networks vanish from FTA. I never see any new stuff come on anymore.
And again, disclaimer here, I do not watch sports or religious stuff so that eliminates 98% of what’s up there.

I guess what I’ll do is when I move I’ll just take my C-band dish down and store it until some magic event happens and a good channel appears. :rolleyes: Right........

I see my FTA activities dwindling down to near zero.
I now deeply regret the heavy investments I’ve made into this hobby.

On the upside of things, you guys will be rid of me soon. :clapping
Geez, Dee, go pour yourself a glass of red wine (good for the blood), and put your feet up! Or as they say in the vernacular, ... "Chill out"! Make that two glasses of wine...
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Dee, please do me a favor before you vanish off into the sunset?

If you'd be willing to do this before you leave, please do a small over-all guide (with pics would be good) on using the Amiko A3 receiver. It appears to me you've got it down pretty good, and I need a better understanding how to use it better. I don't do Android very well, and I'm tired of stumbling around trying to figure out every last thing on this receiver. You are GREAT on documenting things, and I'm betting there's others that would also REALLY appreciate this effort for all of us!

Thanks for your consideration!
Dee Ann, for whatever it is worth, I don't watch sports or religious channels either.

I may watch the Indy 500, Super Bowl, the final few games of the NBA finals and World Series if I am bored. I do watch many things that I would normally not receive or have to subscribe otherwise: Met Opera HD series, Si TV, Ebru, PBS and sub channels, network feeds for multiple time zones, the Canadian channels, syndicated program feeds, concert and entertainment backhauls, any of the retro programming channels and the many other channels that we don't discuss in the open forums.

Not trying to convince you of anything.... Just sayin' :D

Not sure why you are so down on yourself? Your creativity, dialog and willingness to tackle projects that most members wouldn't consider will be missed. Don't be too much of a stranger!
Well the thing is, for you guys there is a lot of stuff. Cause y’all watch sports. So that gives you guys tons and tons of stuff.
I don’t. I also do not watch religious channels. Ever. Nuff said on that subject.
I also never watch sports or those religious channels, and I still enjoy every minute of it.
Please reply by conversation.

Two new birds to be launched on 10-16-14!

AMC 21 Ku @125

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