Nascar 2009

Must be nice to be the most popular driver in NASCAR and not be punished for over-aggressive driving (as people were time and again during the Camping World 300 yesterday). What Jr. did was not only wrong, but horribly dangerous. Shame on him and NASCAR for failing to call him on it.

Biggest race of the year and they call it because of rain :mad: Come on. Why not wait it our a bit longer, since there's lights?
Daytona is 2.5 takes forever to dry.
I love how Fox is also his propaganda mouthpiece. When it first happened they pretty much said it was his fault. Than word must of came to them that they are not allowed to speak negative about him. Could you imagine if someone else would of started that mess, they would of been all over them. This guy makes more excuses for himself and is provided with them by the media. Brian Vickers will probably be sat down this week and explain how things are handled in NASCAR, just like Carl Edwards was, that you do not publicly criticize the prince.

I have glad Matt Kenseth won, the guy cam in the same year as Junior, and his much more accomplished than him. But, you would never know it by the coverage, you would think that he is a nobody compared to the prince.
I love how Fox is also his propaganda mouthpiece. When it first happened they pretty much said it was his fault. Than word must of came to them that they are not allowed to speak negative about him. Could you imagine if someone else would of started that mess, they would of been all over them. This guy makes more excuses for himself and is provided with them by the media. Brian Vickers will probably be sat down this week and explain how things are handled in NASCAR, just like Carl Edwards was, that you do not publicly criticize the prince.

I have glad Matt Kenseth won, the guy cam in the same year as Junior, and his much more accomplished than him. But, you would never know it by the coverage, you would think that he is a nobody compared to the prince.

Man you guys are all Dale haters I can see.....

Dale and Matt are best of friends ...
Matt gets his time when he's running good ....
Incase you haven't noticed, Dale ran pretty damn good and consistant last year.

He'll run in the top 10 all year .... If Matt could do that, he would and get the props for it.

Biggest race of the year and they call it because of rain :mad: Come on. Why not wait it our a bit longer, since there's lights?

I agree 100 %, they should have waited it out, they have in any other race for HOURS, now the biggest race of the year and they call it short .... stupid.
They only had 48 laps to go .....
They HAVE LIGHTS .....

NO reason for this to happen, are all the rest of the races going to be treated this way ?

I agree 100 %, they should have waited it out, they have in any other race for HOURS, now the biggest race of the year and they call it short .... stupid.
They only had 48 laps to go .....
They HAVE LIGHTS .....

NO reason for this to happen, are all the rest of the races going to be treated this way ?



I think the reason they did this is because of where the next race is located. They should not have a race in FL and then move to CA the next week. It would not be bad if they could fly instead of driving across country. This is also with doing what ever repairs that need to be made prior to the trip. The second race should have been somewhere at least within a day's drive.

I think the reason they did this is because of where the next race is located. They should not have a race in FL and then move to CA the next week. It would not be bad if they could fly instead of driving across country. This is also with doing what ever repairs that need to be made prior to the trip. The second race should have been somewhere at least within a day's drive.

I have been saying this for quite awhile now, there is NO reason to go from Daytona to Fontana and then back to the east coast ....

They could very easily go from Daytona to Texas/Phoenix and then to Fontana if they insist on going cross country ....

I have been saying this for quite awhile now, there is NO reason to go from Daytona to Fontana and then back to the east coast ....

They could very easily go from Daytona to Texas/Phoenix and then to Fontana if they insist on going cross country ....


Was easier when they just went to Rockingham after Daytona.
Why do they run the biggest race of their season at the beginning of their season?

To get get everybody Pepped up for the season.

Well I guess the NFL has it backwards. They should start the season with the SB. They would never stop the SB for rain.

Before everybody jumps down my throat, just let me add, that like Jimbo said - couldn't they wait for the rain to stop to finish the race? Biggest race of the year, and it's ended short?
Well I guess the NFL has it backwards. They should start the season with the SB. They would never stop the SB for rain.

Before everybody jumps down my throat, just let me add, that like Jimbo said - couldn't they wait for the rain to stop to finish the race? Biggest race of the year, and it's ended short?

Hell, even golf continues the next day if it's rained out or they run out of daylight. Why can't they just continue it today where they left off? Why just call the thing short, now?
Paul, I find that Nascar and golf both have the same problems at the end of the year. They tried to make a playoff type system but when the final race is run or round is played only one or two people have a chance to win. And most of the time the person that wins only has to not finish last. Hard to have one last finale if there is nothing to win or lose in the process.
Hell, even golf continues the next day if it's rained out or they run out of daylight. Why can't they just continue it today where they left off? Why just call the thing short, now?

Golfers don't have to drive across country and fix their cars in the process.
Paul, I find that Nascar and golf both have the same problems at the end of the year. They tried to make a playoff type system but when the final race is run or round is played only one or two people have a chance to win. And most of the time the person that wins only has to not finish last. Hard to have one last finale if there is nothing to win or lose in the process.

The " Fed-ex cup" (Do they still call it that) in golf is as silly as silly can be. Something's wrong when Tiger can win the cup while playing in only 2 of the weekends out of 4. Nascar's playoff is flawed also. Sorry have no solution for that. I do have one for the "Fed-ex" though. Just stop it, it's dumb.
Man you guys are all Dale haters I can see.....

Dale and Matt are best of friends ...
Matt gets his time when he's running good ....
Incase you haven't noticed, Dale ran pretty damn good and consistant last year.

He'll run in the top 10 all year .... If Matt could do that, he would and get the props for it.


Matt does do that, he and Jimmie Johnson are the only two drivers to be in every Chase. The problem for Matt is he is pretty soft spoken and non-controversial so he doesn't get much attention. The year he won the Cup he had a huge lead and everybody hated it and we ended up with the Chase thingy. He won the last race at Rockingham and later in the year it was decided that they wouldn't go there any more. I heard David Poole saying he hoped Matt would win a road race so they could stop doing that, too. :)

I'm not a JR fan but I didn't see anything blatant in the incident with Vickers. It looked like he got below the line and pulled back over and he barely caught Vickers' bumper. It didn't look intentional to me.

Personally I hate what they have done with Nascar. Apparently the forces that be think that wrecks are what Nascar is about. Why else would you choke these cars with restrictor plates and make them go 190 MPH in 4 wide pack nose to tail? It is absolutely asinine. No longer do we even know which drivers would have the guts to push the limits of a car on a super speedway. Heck if it is cars in the stands they are afraid of then build taller fences and stands. But as it stands now its pretty much luck to finish the race and avoid these idiotic wrecks.

No sport is going to be successful by killing it's competitors. Bill Elliot set the qualifying record at 212.something at Talladega. You're an engineer, figure out the difference in energy hitting something at 215 instread of 190. Yeah, luck has a lot to do with restrictor plate racing but as they're fond of saying, it is what it is.

As far as trying to finish the race, it was still raining at 9:00 Eastern when Wind Tunnel came on.

Congratulations to Matt Kenseth, the 2009 Daytona 500 winner!
I have been saying this for quite awhile now, there is NO reason to go from Daytona to Fontana and then back to the east coast ....

They could very easily go from Daytona to Texas/Phoenix and then to Fontana if they insist on going cross country ....


they don't. They go from Daytona to Fontana to Vegas then Atlanta
If you saw Nascar Victory Lane on Speed "the man who dont forget" Jimmy Spencer was a "little vocal" about it. He thought Jr should have sat 5 laps

"I dont care who you are damn it. You do something stupid like that it should have been 5 laps you were held"
Hell, even golf continues the next day if it's rained out or they run out of daylight. Why can't they just continue it today where they left off? Why just call the thing short, now?

That too is something that happened often in the past.

They also often don't start a race when weather is bad (this was not the case, but they knew it was coming).... running the race on Monday is common place.

I agree 100 %, they should have waited it out, they have in any other race for HOURS, now the biggest race of the year and they call it short .... stupid.
They only had 48 laps to go .....
They HAVE LIGHTS .....

NO reason for this to happen, are all the rest of the races going to be treated this way ?


The Red Sox and Yankee's are tied going into the 5th inning at Yankee stadium, the Red Sox score two runs in their at bat and the rain moves in between at bats, you lose the field, and it is forecast to continue the rest of the day.

Do you start over the next day? Do you wait HOURS hoping the rain stops? After all they HAVE LIGHTS!


Do you call it an official game and move on to the next game? (Don't ask Selig, he makes it up as he goes)

As far as I'm concerned it's the same thing. The race was official at lap 101, EVERYBODY knows that. EVERYBODY knows that if it rains after halfway and you lose the track it's done. No do overs.

Racing on Monday only happens if the race is called before the halfway point.

The Daytona 500 may considered "the Superbowl of racing" but in the grand scheme of the season it's race #1. No different than than race #28.

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