Only HD DVD can win!!

Enderle has been projecting a HD-DVD win for nearly a year. He thought Blu-ray initially and then switched sides last fall. He, like many other HD-DVD backers, have been very quiet over this year until the Paramount news. He still says that both could loose still.

I'm not sure why people give so much weight to what this guy thinks. He's right maybe about 50% of the time. For years, he projected the death of Apple, and we know that's not going to happen any time soon. He is really quiet about that now, but I wouldn't put it past him to say it again, and how he has projected for years, if they fell on hard times.
...I'm not sure why people give so much weight to what this guy thinks.
I'd put most journalists in this category: they get paid for what they write.
Getting things right would be nice but secondary: getting eyeballs is the highest priority.

I trust insiders as long as they don't spin (and many do spin most of the time) and provide factual information.
They do get it wrong sometimes and how they handle those cases tells more about their trustworthiness than when they are right.

Well we can interpret different facts, comment on the believability of various journalists, and place different value weights on different features.

But it's title sales that are the end objective. The players are only sold to move titles, at least as far as the studios are concerned. It will be most interesting to see how these title sales compare over the next few months.

The rest of the year will be VERY interesting.
If we define "long term" as 10-15 years; both will lose out to downloads. It's a matter of when not if in this case.

This is why I've said that High Definition Optical is likely the last generation of media we will be able to collect as a physical item.

Gen 1: CD
Gen 2: DVD
Gen 3: High Definition Optical (either flavor)

What comes next? Downloads.

John if both survive and a dual format fully fuctioning player under $300 is not brought to the market quickly could there possibly be a loss of interest from the studios if one format does not take a surmountable lead? If this product remains in a niche market with low yeilds in sales why keep dropping big money to develope new features and transfer their product to a HD disc based platform? Seems to me that the studios would lose interest in another year or two.
John if both survive and a dual format fully fuctioning player under $300 is not brought to the market quickly could there possibly be a loss of interest from the studios if one format does not take a surmountable lead? If this product remains in a niche market with low yeilds in sales why keep dropping big money to develope new features and transfer their product to a HD disc based platform? Seems to me that the studios would lose interest in another year or two.

I agree.
John if both survive and a dual format fully fuctioning player under $300 is not brought to the market quickly could there possibly be a loss of interest from the studios if one format does not take a surmountable lead? If this product remains in a niche market with low yeilds in sales why keep dropping big money to develope new features and transfer their product to a HD disc based platform? Seems to me that the studios would lose interest in another year or two.

It's fairly simple really...

DVD has come and gone in terms of its luster. Sales results and margins are declining. Gotta do something to keep that going.

With HD optical they hae a chance to sell enthusiasts a chunk of their collection again and potentially ride the HD bandwagon as it has been gathering steam the last couple of years.

Simply put; the infrastructure is nowhere near ready for downloadable HD so then it would be a very long wait to get to readily available HD content.


HD/BD - What it is all about: Doom9

Must be a reason for the Deep Colour and xvYCC compliant players?

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