Retailers to ditch HD-DVD by next year?

Well, I certainly haven't. :no :haha

Actually, some years back I took to writing in the new year on my checks as soon as January rolled around. Write it on enough checks to cover the first couple of months. Of course, now I barely write a check a month.

Off topic. Oh well.

Things will get VERY interesting if somehow HD-DVD sales make a comeback and match Blu-ray. Of course, that will prolong the war. Unless they get REAL CHEAP, I won't actually buy a player until I'm very confident. Almost there now. But not with only 400,000 titles sold, total, per month. Maybe that will top a million a month by mid year. And I keep buying those lottery tickets.... :p
You mean you have never written the wrong date on a check or anything else early in the new year? :D

LOL, sure. But I am not a professional writer, news org, nor do I have a proof reader on staff. I do however, in my word processor, have it set to auto insert the date as listed by the OS at that time when I am composing new docs. I was however trying to poke fun at the ever-increasing EASY mistakes news orgs are making these days.
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Me too.

I have both, my Toshiba HDDVD player, and my PS3. Tell you all the truth, I like the BD on the PS3 better. Just one man's opinion, but it seems to me that those defending HDDVD, are doing just that, defending. As if they need to justify that their purchase was logical. It doesn't take an insider to see what is going on here. 2 to 1 is 2 to 1. Period. It's just going to get worse.
Joe, please provide a valid link. You've got our curiosity up.
guys i think it was a joke look at the actually link its his way of saying hd dvd has no idea what they what combo disc, thd disc, or 720p dvd 9disc
guys i think it was a joke look at the actually link its his way of saying hd dvd has no idea what they what combo disc, thd disc, or 720p dvd 9disc

:clap :clap :clap

Just trying to inject a little humor -- along with what I believe is now HD-DVDs baggage -- too many discs formats and more coming.
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... but not in Europe where HD-DVD has the lead.

Yep. I found a link supporting this. A whopping 4 to 1 advantage, HD-DVD over Blu-ray in the UK: "In total, from launch to the end of 2006, Blu-ray sold 1,834 discs while HD DVD sold 8,200." Those paltry sales figures won't save HD-DVD. 5.2 million Blu-ray discs have been sold so far.

I suspect by the end of April, Blu-ray will have sold more BDs in the UK than both formats sold in all of 2006. One million PS3s are to be released for sale in Europe, starting next week. If only one tenth of those are sold in the UK, and only one tenth of those buyers get a Blu-ray movie, they're at or over the 2006 total for both formats- in about one month.

Sony estimates 6 million PS3s will be sold by the end of the year. Even if only 5 million are sold- that's a huge number of households that are "Blu-ray ready."
Sony estimates 6 million PS3s will be sold by the end of the year. Even if only 5 million are sold- that's a huge number of households that are "Blu-ray ready."

BINGO!! Like I've said many times before PS3 is the difference. Their will ALWAYS be more Blu Ray players. Nothing HD DVD can do about that.
I think they sold 10,000 copies of Casino Royale in the UK, so that one Blu-ray title exceeded the total sales of both high def discs for all of 2006.
I think they sold 10,000 copies of Casino Royale in the UK, so that one Blu-ray title exceeded the total sales of both high def discs for all of 2006.

I read that Sony claimed they sold a million copies. :eek:
Just kidding, of course. :p

But, I'll be really surprised if 10k copies of CR sold in the UK. After Sony made a big whoopty-doo about shipping 100,000 copies of CR in the U.S., according to that March 18 Nielson report touted by Sony, they actually sold only 28,306 YTD through March 18 in the U.S. I'm not sure what the population of the U.K. is, but it's got to be 1/4th or less than that of the U.S. And I've read a lot less adaption of HDTV's.

I know you follow eProductsWars. They also have a section for the U.K. Current sales rank of the top 100 products: HD DVD 23,228; BD: 21,209. Neither is exactly moving like hot cakes. But, maybe the Brits are less likely to shop online?
I wonder if the 10,000 was for all of Europe? Anyway, you're right, the UK is very slow in adoption of HDTV. I've seen articles talking about how much it's going to cost the UK because they are so far behind. Funny, just a couple of years or so ago, it was all about how expensive it would be to move to HDTV. Too much government control over TV there.

I think the UK has a bit over 60 million people, us a bit over 300, Japan around half our size, the EU as a whole about 1.5 times our size.
BINGO!! Like I've said many times before PS3 is the difference. Their will ALWAYS be more Blu Ray players. Nothing HD DVD can do about that.

A bunch of Blu-Ray players that do not support the final specs :) and will not support all of the features of future titles that take advantage of the final specs (BD-JAVA).
Well, Sony deserves the hit, for mismanaging the roll out- still!

Toshiba #1 in US while Sony set to cut 160 jobs

Walmart and cheap HDDVD players

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