tiger woods in car crash

I think you nailed it on this one Salsa. I think being big and muscular would actually "hurt" a golfer. Sure distance off the tee is one possible advantage, but other than that, the game relies on touch, finesse and mental toughness.

The only way PED's would help him like you said, was to help him recoup from an injury faster.

BTW, just so everyone's clear, this relationship between Tiger and this Doctor is SO FAR, just an in-direct relationship and nothing more. No accusations or incriminating facts have been released.

Like being attacked with a golf club? :D
That is where you are blaming the wrong people. His handlers, the media, the PGA and the golf fans that have made him him "hollier than thou" person, NOT Tiger.
That's where you're wrong. If you don't think Tiger controlled every part of his public image you're delusional. His image was carefully cultivated because he limited access from the media and that's what helped him to build his marketing empire. The fact that he has lost that control of the media has got to be killing him right now.

Kind of ironic that he might not only have lost the yacht, but also what it was named after....

Would it surprise me if Tiger Woods was using PED's? Yes.

But if you had asked me a month ago if I'd be surprised if Tiger Woods had countless affairs going on behind his wife's back, I would also have said yes.

You can jump to his defense here all they want, but people were also defending him when he first drove into the tree too...;)

He's lied to everyone before (to a shocking extent), so in my mind he loses the benefit of the doubt.

orlandosentinel.com reporting that people magazine has run a story that elin is divorcing tiger.

as for the doctor, check his client list...some are known ped users.
Time for some good Tiger news for a change:

[ame="http://sports.espn.go.com/golf/news/story?id=4747530"]Tiger Woods voted athlete of the decade by members of The Associated Press - ESPN[/ame]

He won 64 times around the world, including 12 majors, and hoisted a trophy on every continent golf is played. He lost only one time with the lead going into the final round. His 56 PGA Tour victories in one incomparable decade were more than anyone except four of golf's greatest players won in their careers.

Woods was selected Wednesday as the Athlete of the Decade by members of The Associated Press in a vote that was more about 10 years of performance than nearly three weeks of salacious headlines.
The Sports Writer for the Orlando Sentinel doubts Tiger now. He's worried about the PED report.

alot of people don't like mike bianchi. i read his column and he does have a point. my concern is the doctrors client list includes arod and marion jones, both known ped users. tiger may be innocent. unfortunately, in this day of athletics, you are guilty just from the association.

and since tiger has done a terrific job of self-destruction, nothing about this guy would surprise me anymore. i still say we know only the tip of the iceberg!
Elin has recently bought a 2.3 million dollar home in sweden and is on her way there with the kids for the holidays. My bet is that its the last time Tiger will ever see her or the kids.She's got his money and the kids and certainly doesnt need a cheating a$$hole. She can do much better on that front.
That's where you're wrong. If you don't think Tiger controlled every part of his public image you're delusional. His image was carefully cultivated because he limited access from the media and that's what helped him to build his marketing empire. The fact that he has lost that control of the media has got to be killing him right now.

Kind of ironic that he might not only have lost the yacht, but also what it was named after....

Maybe AFTER he became almost as big as the game....but it was all created by his handlers, media and the fans.

Since when does driving a Lincoln, wearing a Tag watch, drinking Gatorade and wearing Nike clothing show that you are morally good or bad?
what a joke! even without the scandal he's embedded in, there are others more deserving.........pat summitt, albert pujhols, jimmie johnson, and lance armstrong for starters.

me thinks the ap writers gave cheetah this award to appease him.

Where they voting for athletes ATHLETICS ACCOMPLISHMENTS or how good of a role model they have been? The ONLY person in that list you have that has COMPLETELY dominated their sport is Lance Armstrong.
what a joke! even without the scandal he's embedded in, there are others more deserving.........pat summitt, albert pujhols, jimmie johnson, and lance armstrong for starters.

me thinks the ap writers gave cheetah this award to appease him.

Let's try not to get our personal feeling wrapped up in this.

Tiger has won more tournaments this decade than most golfers have won in an entire career! He's more than worthy of this award. What he has done in his personal life was not and should not have been part of the deciding factor.
Where they voting for athletes ATHLETICS ACCOMPLISHMENTS or how good of a role model they have been? The ONLY person in that list you have that has COMPLETELY dominated their sport is Lance Armstrong.

puhjols won 3 mvp awards, summitt won 3 national championships and johnson has won 4 consecutive sprint cup championships. and yes, the award is based on athletic accomplishment. i find it rather amusing that more than half of the votes were submitted after woods' traffic accident.
And Tiger Woods won 56 PGA Tournaments in this decade, including 12 Majors and finished #1 on the Money List in 7 of the last 10 years.


possibly with help?

sorry, i'm not discrediting his accomplishments. but even if his image was still squeeky clean, he doesn't get my vote.

imho, golf is more a mental game than physical. and yes, that does defeat he may have won many of those tourneys on juice.

i think winning 7 straight tour de france's is far more physically demanding than playing 4 days of golf. i think driving a very heavy stock car is far more physically
demanding than playing golf.

using your analogy, then roger fedderer (apologies for spelling) has equivalent accomplishments.

my point is there were several more athlets who actually participate in a physically demanding sport that were worthy of consideration.

the fact that most of the ap sports writers cast their vote after the beginning of woods' scandal is not a coincidence.

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