Warner giving up on BluRay's failed BD-java


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Apr 1, 2004
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Warner giving up on BluRay's failed BD-java?

Warner Brings 'Blood Diamond' to Blu-ray, HD DVD

Thu Apr 19, 2007 at 03:03 AM ET
Tags: Disc Announcements, Warner (all tags)

Warner Home Entertainment is bringing 'Blood Diamond' to Blu-ray and HD DVD this summer, in two separate-but-unequal versions sure to generate controversy amongst early adopters.

Unlike the studio's usual policy of releasing identical Blu-ray and HD DVD releases of a title on the same date, Warner will instead debut 'Blood Diamond' about a month apart, with the Blu-ray hitting stores first on June 5, followed by the HD DVD on July 2.

What's more, while both versions will share identical tech specs, including matching 1080p transfers, supplemental content will be far from identical.

The basic suite of extras are the same, including a filmmaker's commentary, four featurettes and a music video; however, the HD DVD will include a raft of exclusive cutting-edge features not included on the Blu-ray release.

The HD DVD of 'Blood Diamond' is the first announced next-gen title to include web-enabled extras, including allowing viewers to use their players to offer opinions in Warner's online polls, as well as view other special features such as maps of conflict pertaining to war-torn areas in Africa.

Furthermore, the HD DVD boasts an In-Movie Experience (IME) video commentary with additional behind-the-scenes and interview footage.

And for the first time on 'Blood Diamond,' Warner will include the new Focus Points feature that takes the viewer to exciting in-depth featurettes and production diaries.

Despite the considerable differences between the Blu-ray and HD DVD, Warner has set an identical list price of $28.99 for each.

Warner's decision to offer such an impressive suite of extras on the HD DVD of 'Blood Diamond,' yet withhold them from the Blu-ray, marks a significant departure from the studio's previously "format agnostic" approach of issuing identical versions on both formats. While the impetus for this decision almost certainly stems from the delayed release of Blu-ray's BD-Java authoring environment, which makes advanced features such as IME impossible on current Blu-ray releases, in the past (with such IME-enhanced titles as 'The Matrix Trilogy' and "Batman Begins') Warner has chosen to simply withhold their release releasing a Blu-ray version until a future date. Their decision to downgrade the Blu-ray for 'Blood Diamond' instead is sure to generate controversy.

We've posted full specs for both versions of 'Blood Diamond' to our Blu-ray Release Schedule and HD DVD Release Schedule, under June 5 and July 2, respectively. Stay tuned for final details in the days ahead, including box art. Watch this space!

We've also set up dedicated threads for this announcement in our Forums area -- click the following links to discuss the 'Blood Diamond' Blu-ray release and the 'Blood Diamond' HD DVD release.

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I'm sure Warner isn't giving up on BD-J. They're in the business to sell movies, and they just cant keep sitting on BD-J to be ready, so in the meantime they will release less-featured BR movies. I'm sure once BD-J is ready, both releases will have simular extra features. (No sources to back this up, all just my opinions)

Blood Diamond is a minor movie. No need to hold it up for BD-J they need to get the disc out now, while the movie is fresh on people minds. People will wait for something like the Matrix.
Vurbano, can you please show me where warner is giving up on Blu ray java? if you cant your title is very misleading, and altogether inaccurate. other then that you are right I cant wait for LOTR in some form of high def!

edit: I cant wait for Pirates either, but let me ask you Vurbano or anyone really, is LOTR coming out on blu ray or HD DVD or both? (crosses fingers hoping for blu ray!)
Does any one think that BD-java or any internet capabilies will move either HD-DVD or blu-ray?
People didn't stop buying VHS and switch to DVD for the extras. They went for better picture quality and ease of use.
HD-DVD & blu-ray purchasing will be based off of people wanting to watch the movies in HD. Most will not even use the extra featues, and very few will ever hook them up to the internet.

To me, this is all a red herring. IMO people will go with the one that has all the movies they want to see, for a price they want to pay.
I understand it's more. But my point is that the average movie buyer isn't going to care.

Probably, but the lack of BD-Java just keeps holding back releases. Warner in particular seems intent on doing one encode of a movie and be able to release the same encode on both formats. The primary (movie) video is no problem. Almost all Warner's high def releases use VC-1, which can be played on both formats. Audio gets a little more tricky. Warner likes HD audio formats - DTS-MA and Dolby TrueHD. Few BD players can decode DTS, none can decode TrueHD. So, Warner has to do a whole other audio encode with less quality to release the same title on Blu-ray. And the "extras" - yeah, most folks don't care, but both formats promised a whole new technology for interactivity, In Movie Experience, internet connectivity for interaction, additional content. One format delivered what it promised when it launched a year ago; Blu-ray is still a work in progress. Warner just got tired of waiting, and decided to release on HD DVD with no BD release - such as The Matrix, Batmans Begins, etc. - or just release a "watered down" release for Blu-ray. I'm glad they did. :hatsoff:
I really buy a movie for the movie. The supplements are extra and I very seldom watch more then the outtakes and cut scenes. I have never listened to the director or actor's commentary because I really do not care for the bs. They always take themselves too seriously.

That said, it will be nice when BD-J is ready and we (the BD camp) can finally see what we have been missing (probably not much).

Stuart, LOTR will come out first on HD-DVD and then in about two months on BD.
PS3 does both Dolby TrueHD and DTS HD core

Someone mentioned that BD players don't do Dolby TruHD. Since the most popular BD player is the PS3, and it does Dolby TruHD and DTS HD Core, this statement is invalid.

Waren Lieberfarb comments on the HD format war.

No current BD player will ever support IME

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