Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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Bob Haller said:
Bush lives in never never land:(

Look I am 49 years old and IF I had been a year or two older would of likely gone to vietnam:(

We ae at war with a country, the country of Iraq. Many dont want us occupying their country and they are doing whatever they can to get us out.

Question if another country invaded and took over the US what we we do? those unhappy would become terrorists and attempt to get the invaders out.

BUSH MADE ONE MAJOR MISTAKE once he decided to invade iraq.

we needed 3 or 4 times the number of ground troops to maintain order

as a commanded and chief bush is a pile of crap.

the mess was preeventable, he had his head in the sand

Are you STUCK ON STUPID, or what????
StevenD said:
I am so sick and tired of paying for people who can't (or won't) take care of themselves. Im not talking about people who truly cant take care of themselves...Im talking about lazy f*cks who think "I dont need to work, the government will send me a check." And then they go bitching about how "the man" is always keeping them down.

Im 31, and through careful planning, I will be able to retire in the next 15-20 years. And when Im 65, I wont be eating dog food.

I'm going to stay out of the political BS as you never can influence anyone in these things. What I think doesn't matter to anyone but me. However, this statement cannot go unanswered. Steven, I urge you not to be quite so complacent and smug. You can't believe how quickly something can change.

I'm a 56 year old engineer. Seven years ago I was sitting with just under $2M in my 401k. I had been working for the same high tech company (the one with the 2 letter trademark) for 24 years. The 401k was controlled by the company, with limited options, heavily invested in high tech, and especially in the company stock. I watched 90% of that value go down the tubes in 6 months, and then I was unceremoneously dumped by the company 18 months before being eligible for retirement. My last day was the day my wife went in for surgery to attempt to repair a collapsed lung brough on by a reccurrance of her breast cancer. I spent the next nine months nursing her back to a state where she can kind of take care of herself (and through the two subsequent relapses) and taking care of the household and school age children. I probably could have done things to protect my 401k assets, if I had taken time to think about my finances, instead of spending 12 hour days working to keep the company afloat. Yeah, I was probably dumb there, but the same thing happened to most of my friends as well.

When the COBRA ran out, I learned the real cost of healthcare. I was paying $2500/month for about 2 years. I've got it down to $1800/month now, as long as I cover the approx $4k/yr out of pocket medical expenses. That is a major drain and prety much prevents me from building up assets again. Yes, that's over $25k/year for medical insurance. I pay it every month because continuing chemo treatments cost $6k/session and she gets one every 3 weeks for the rest of her life.

When I went back into the job market, I learned the realities of professional jobs for 50-something engineers with healthcare issues. My healthcare situation is an open record for employers. As a result, a few of us started our own company. Learned about competing with the Indians and Chinese for contract work. Have now worked for 3 years getting products out the door that will sell in this economy.

The only comment I will make about policy is that I got burned by changes in healthcare legislation that make it ok to charge a higher rate to companies with a worker base with known health problems. I keep thinking of all those years where I was young and healthy and paid in for what I thought were advances on the years where I was going to need coverage, and now that I need it, they jerked the prize away. Tell me about compassion from both the goverment and the company that I gave 24 years of faithful service to.

I'm not looking for sympathy. Just trying to point out how quickly things can change, no matter how well you plan. You are immortal and invincible at 30. Build up what you can, because it will change a lot more than you anticipate as you age.
Bob Haller said:
BUSH MADE ONE MAJOR MISTAKE once he decided to invade iraq.

we needed 3 or 4 times the number of ground troops to maintain order

as a commanded and chief bush is a pile of crap.

the mess was preeventable, he had his head in the sand

Really? And what are your qualifications for making this assessment? Are you basing it on the wealth of military experience you obtained back when you might have had to go to Vietnam if you had been a couple of year older or do you have real command experience? I suspect the former...

If you had been drafted back then you might have found out that the Generals running the campaign are the ones who determine what troop levels are required. Can you cite a case where the General in charge requested that the total troop level be increased and was refused?

Bob Haller said:
Bush lives in never never land:(

Look I am 49 years old and IF I had been a year or two older would of likely gone to vietnam:(

We ae at war with a country, the country of Iraq. Many dont want us occupying their country and they are doing whatever they can to get us out.

Question if another country invaded and took over the US what we we do? those unhappy would become terrorists and attempt to get the invaders out.

BUSH MADE ONE MAJOR MISTAKE once he decided to invade iraq.

we needed 3 or 4 times the number of ground troops to maintain order

as a commanded and chief bush is a pile of crap.

the mess was preeventable, he had his head in the sand

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored,
He has loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps
His day is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnish`d rows of steel,
"As ye deal with my contemners, So with you my grace shall deal;"
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel
Since God is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
dragon002 said:
lets see, johnson, carter, clinton,, hey dems, three strikes....yer out!!:devil:

Hey, don't forget JFK, he was the leader of that parade.:)

Something else that cracks me up is when Teddy says "I am for the working man." What the hell would he know about the "working man" considering the lap of luxury he was born into.:rolleyes:
hey, learning the bootlegging business is hard work.

yeah, old papa joe kennedy made one mistake, he had the wrong child lobotomized
jayn_j said:
I'm going to stay out of the political BS as you never can influence anyone in these things. What I think doesn't matter to anyone but me. However, this statement cannot go unanswered. Steven, I urge you not to be quite so complacent and smug. You can't believe how quickly something can change.

I'm a 56 year old engineer. Seven years ago I was sitting with just under $2M in my 401k. I had been working for the same high tech company (the one with the 2 letter trademark) for 24 years. The 401k was controlled by the company, with limited options, heavily invested in high tech, and especially in the company stock. I watched 90% of that value go down the tubes in 6 months, and then I was unceremoneously dumped by the company 18 months before being eligible for retirement. My last day was the day my wife went in for surgery to attempt to repair a collapsed lung brough on by a reccurrance of her breast cancer. I spent the next nine months nursing her back to a state where she can kind of take care of herself (and through the two subsequent relapses) and taking care of the household and school age children. I probably could have done things to protect my 401k assets, if I had taken time to think about my finances, instead of spending 12 hour days working to keep the company afloat. Yeah, I was probably dumb there, but the same thing happened to most of my friends as well.

When the COBRA ran out, I learned the real cost of healthcare. I was paying $2500/month for about 2 years. I've got it down to $1800/month now, as long as I cover the approx $4k/yr out of pocket medical expenses. That is a major drain and prety much prevents me from building up assets again. Yes, that's over $25k/year for medical insurance. I pay it every month because continuing chemo treatments cost $6k/session and she gets one every 3 weeks for the rest of her life.

When I went back into the job market, I learned the realities of professional jobs for 50-something engineers with healthcare issues. My healthcare situation is an open record for employers. As a result, a few of us started our own company. Learned about competing with the Indians and Chinese for contract work. Have now worked for 3 years getting products out the door that will sell in this economy.

The only comment I will make about policy is that I got burned by changes in healthcare legislation that make it ok to charge a higher rate to companies with a worker base with known health problems. I keep thinking of all those years where I was young and healthy and paid in for what I thought were advances on the years where I was going to need coverage, and now that I need it, they jerked the prize away. Tell me about compassion from both the goverment and the company that I gave 24 years of faithful service to.

I'm not looking for sympathy. Just trying to point out how quickly things can change, no matter how well you plan. You are immortal and invincible at 30. Build up what you can, because it will change a lot more than you anticipate as you age.
I'm not at all being complacent or smug, nor do I believe that I'm invincible. I completely understand how quickly things can change. I lost quite a bit of money when I was layed off from Nortel a few years ago. I learned my lesson about 401k (and stock options) then and thats why I contribute the bare minimum to my 401k now. I also understand the true costs of healthcare as my better half is self-employed and I know exactly what she has had to go through for insurance and what she pays for it.

That being said, I have very solid investments that are managed by a very successful, and conservative, wealth manager.

The whole point of my post was self-responsibility and self-reliance. You are a complete fool if you are counting on Social Security to take care of you when you retire. I know better, and have planned according. Im sure, 35 years from now, SS will only be talked about in the history books.

You have to realize that Vietnam and Iraq are two different things. Vietnam was an advisory function started by, you guessed it, JFK and escalated by, that's right, LBJ to stop Communism in a country that most Americans never heard of or cared about. I lived with Vietnam in my life for 11 years, I knew 6 guys that were lost and dodged Vietnam for 3 of the 4 years of my Military duty.:flag: Don't tell me Vietnam and Iraq are a like.

As always the memories of the Liberal Democrat has to be joggled. Our country was ATTACKED by Muslim extremist and over 3000 innocent people of all races and religion were murdered. This has to be retaliated for. The first stop was crushing the Taliban, next stop was crushing Saddam, then Bin Laden. It will take time, but it will happen.

I remember when then VP Gore made fun of Lt Col Oliver North on the Senate floor when Lt Col North stated he was scared to death of Osama Bin Laden. Gore made wise cracks about the fact the he had never heard of Osama let alone pronounce his name. These people were allowed by the Clinton/Gore administration to come and go in our country as they liked and do what they wanted. That my man is the reason we are in Iraq.

As Archie Bunker said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight like hell for the right for you to say it." They don't have that right in that part of the world.

I try to make it a practice not to discuss politics and religion. I mean no offense by my comments, and I hope none is taken.
Talking to a liberal is like clapping with one hand. All they care about is what the Communist News Network spoon-feeds them. They will never understand that when saddam was in power Iraq wasn't at war because these people NEED to be treated that way to behave at all. You can not play nice with people that have been taught since birth that the ultimate act to get into heaven is to kill a christian!
The only thing these people understand is power. If the crap with the cartoons does not make it clear that what you are dealing with are insane people than nothing will. My contacts in Norway and Sweden finally got me copies of the cartoons (I will not post them here for fear of personal attacks) but there is nothing in them worth killing people over. If you take it that serious than you are already doomed.
I have avoided looking at this thread for a week because I knew it would contain exactly what it does. This is not the site to have this convo.
Diamond Jim said:
That gentlemen...... is the only positive thing I have seen since this thread was started.:)

you didnt like the battle hymn of the republic??

guys , we are at war, it is being waged. look at the battlefield, we are in afghanistan, we are in iraq, the president is in pakistan, he visited india, we are dealing with the UAE, we have a massive air base in diego garcia, we have a huge air base in the UAE......uhhh, what country is SURROUNDED????


watch this one well, israel, the US, russia, india, pakistan, kuwait, the UAE and the UK are going to overrun the entire middle east.

and iran will be an air assault, the people will rise up. take out the power grid and the palaces and the ayatolahs. notice how our air force has been building back up as far as bombs go?? wow, took einstien to figure this one out.
You dumbass conservatives just don't understand that if Britain hadn't kicked out Neville Chamberlain for that loony extreminst warmonger Winston Churchill then there never would have been a WW2!!

A policy of appeasment will truly bring world peace!

Evil butthole conservatives!

is that really "bubbles" or is that the helicopter pilot from mad max, now near retirement??

BTW, love your politics!!! some body has a brain!!!!!!!!!!
Bubbles is the MAN!!!!!! Trailer Park Boys is full of idiot characters but, as Ray said, "Bubbles is the sharpest guy in the park" in the episode "The Bible Pimp".
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