made the call

I made the switch last Wednesday. I was a little worried at first, but once I programmed my Logitech remote to use with my HR21 the learning curve got considerably smaller. I think the picture quality on some of the channels is better than Dish. I watched Ultimate Fighter on SpikeHD and it was crystal clear. The biggest negative was calling to cancel my Dish service. Today was the last day of my 18-month contract. I read posts on the Dish board about what will happen when I canceled, but I did not believe it. Boy, was I wrong. The CSR was a total jerk. I told him I was switching to D* for increased HD and the AAA deal was going to save me a bunch. He called me a liar over the price and told me that Spike & FX were both in HD on E* and he watched them this morning. Now, I don't know what type of moron he thought I was, but the use of such lies and scare tactics is uncalled for. He tried to bully me into staying. Terrible.

Ya I get to make this call tomorrow. I dont have a lof of patience with people like that. If I'm given a hard time i'll tear the CSR a new one.
I remember a lot fo the people who switched were E loyalists. I now see these posts about how happy they are with D after reservations. Come on E* wake up already. These arent the people who dont go with what ever way the wind is blowing. These are good customers who are jumping ship now.

yeah i'm one of them that really doesn't want to go but things with dish are not so well and aren't getting better. i'm definitely worried
Dish has not been beat! Folks jump ship over things that in the long run will even out.. Overall most time folks never look at the big picture here.. :)

if you look at the big picture it's not great. direct recently had a successful satellite launch while dish failed at that again. don't care who's fault it is. one is getting it done while the other can't get it done. if direct had all this hd content before the launch, imagine what they'll be able to do now. my point is directs future looks brighter than dish.
Reading this post, I keep hearing things like:

My main concern is the DVR, but I am willing to trade a solid DVR for increased HD channels.

What's the problem with the DVR?

We have Dish... go them over Direc because of the price (in the beginning).

Now we're pretty much counting the days until our 24 month contract expires (August 2009)

We signed up in August 2007, only to discover AFTER we signed the contract that we didn't get the local HD channels (Austin, TX)

Now I receive an e-mail stating that they're finally available. I got so excited!

But only to find out that we need an ADDITIONAL dish to get the HD locals, and we have to $100 to install it.

This is the only thing that is bothering me about Dish -- we have an awesome HDTV Plasma... but we can't get our local HDs.

Other than that, we have never gone out in a storm, and the install guys are always nice and do a good install. ::sigh::
Dish is outsourcing their Brain---Charlie the tuna stop it or we may see Dish and Direct TV as one family---Direct TV is hinting that they may buy out Dish.
Wishful thinking. IF you think Hillary Clinton is a fighter then you don't know Charlie Ergen. HE will never give up unless he wants to. THen it is a calculated move ,not giving up .

New satellite for dish in 2010

Oklahoma City locals in HD

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