Tiger Woods checks into sex rehab facility in misssissippi

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Yep...as expected. Sooner or later, they would come out of the woodwork looking for money. This is, I guess the results of the media digging. They found what they wanted...the women and they will ALL have a story and money to claim.

IF Media leaves this alone...the women stay under the rock they crawled from....Tiger gets the verbal and emotional ass whipping he deserves....goes to rehab...and tries to salvage what is left of his marriage. But forget it now...they ALL want their $$$ and their 15 minutes of fame..
I'm confused. You're blaming the media for not allowing this whole thing to just go away quietly?? Did you help Eldrick write yesterday's speech??

The media should be commended since they are at least partly responsible for exposing him and ending his affairs, at least for now. Supposedly, inquiries by the media are what got Elin poking around in his cell phone, discovering what was going on and lead to the events the night of "The Crash". If it wasn't for the media, God only knows what Eldrick's bimbo count would be up to now...
I'm confused. You're blaming the media for not allowing this whole thing to just go away quietly?? Did you help Eldrick write yesterday's speech??

The media should be commended since they are at least partly responsible for exposing him and ending his affairs, at least for now. Supposedly, inquiries by the media are what got Elin poking around in his cell phone, discovering what was going on and lead to the events the night of "The Crash". If it wasn't for the media, God only knows what Eldrick's bimbo count would be up to now...

And WHY do you care about his bimbo count??!! It's NONE OF OUR BUSINESS FOLKS!!!! IF your wife was snooping around looking outside the window because she saw the neighbor bringing another woman to his house....you would tell her to stop being so nosy....how is this any different?! LMAO!! The Media didn't end his affairs....his wife busted his ass. Where did you get this media crap. She found out there was OTHERS from the media, the original "snooping" was done by Elin herself when she went through his phone and text messages....:rolleyes:

The media commended??!! For report what? This is NEWS??!! LMAO!! Chasing celebrities around to see if they sleep around people that ain't their spouses? THAT is what you call news?

...I guess to each his own...:(

..."the media commended...." The most ridiculous statement I have heard about this so far. But Cosmo, you are entitled to your opinion.
I'm confused. You're blaming the media for not allowing this whole thing to just go away quietly??

I blame the media for not allowing the family peace to resolve the issue. They have media following his wife, mother and kids. Now the media also gave these women then 15 minutes of fame so they can get their little law suits all lined up.
And WHY do you care about his bimbo count??!! It's NONE OF OUR BUSINESS FOLKS!!!! IF your wife was snooping around looking outside the window because she saw the neighbor bringing another woman to his house....you would tell her to stop being so nosy....how is this any different?! LMAO!! The Media didn't end his affairs....his wife busted his ass. Where did you get this media crap. She found out there was OTHERS from the media, the original "snooping" was done by Elin herself when she went through his phone and text messages....:rolleyes:

The media commended??!! For report what? This is NEWS??!! LMAO!! Chasing celebrities around to see if they sleep around people that ain't their spouses? THAT is what you call news?

...I guess to each his own...:(

..."the media commended...." The most ridiculous statement I have heard about this so far. But Cosmo, you are entitled to your opinion.
You're obviously missing my point.

Personally, I couldn't give a damn how many porn actresses Eldrick had unprotected sex with. It's been widely reported that Elin was only snooping his phone because of upcoming media reports about the affairs. Eldrick himself didn't confess; in fact he kept denying it until Elin texted and called one of them.

Woods, according to Posner, was aware that the National Enquirer was about to blow the lid off his alleged affair with Uchitel and warned Nordegren on the day before Thanksgiving that the exposé was about to land.

The golfer told Nordegren that he and Uchitel were just friends. He even put the New York party girl on the phone with his wife to reassure her.

When Nordegren learned that the Enquirer was reporting that Tiger and Uchitel had a romantic rendezvous in Australia, she confronted the golfer.

Rather than fight, Woods took an Ambien and hit the hay, the report says.

It was while her husband was snoozing that Nordegren started snooping through Woods' cell phone and discovered his text messages to Uchitel's number, including one that read, "You are the only one I've loved."

Tiger Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren, posed as golfer to trap mistress Rachel Uchitel on phone: report

Do I think the coverage since the accident is overblown and excessive?? Yes I do. My comment about commending the media was directed towards the exposure of the affairs in the first place. Don't you think Elin deserved to know what Eldrick was up to??

As for your question about my neighbor: If that neighbor was bringing that same woman over and over and over again, or worse yet, a dozen or so different ones home, I would be damn well concerned for his family!! Just trying to keep it apples to apples... :D

And the money. Please don't try to say that Eldrick was that naive to think that his mistresses were solely attracted to his personality!! He had to have been giving them money/gifts during and after to keep them happy.
Do I think the coverage since the accident is overblown and excessive?? Yes I do. My comment about commending the media was directed towards the exposure of the affairs in the first place. Don't you think Elin deserved to know what Eldrick was up to??

She deserves to know....but not from the media. Either Tiger or a close friend....but not Page 6 of the New York Post. AGAIN...it is not the medias business to inform someone of wrong doing IF IT AIN'T ILLEGAL! The media is NOT supposed to be in the business of being the morality police.

And the money. Please don't try to say that Eldrick was that naive to think that his mistresses were solely attracted to his personality!! He had to have been giving them money/gifts during and after to keep them happy.

I never said he was naive to think that. But if you keep showing their face CONSTANTLY on TV, you don't honestly think they weren't gonna want a piece of the pie do you?
To all those who haven't thrown up yet to this repeated lesson that it's not your f-ing business who Tiger is screwing in his free time even if it's your significant other - and still reading this thread, here is a more laid-back take on this whole "Tiger apology" BS from Wall Street Journal
Tiger Woods, the Apology and the Audience - WSJ.com
What a predictably ridiculous scene Friday morning in Ponte Vedra Beach in Florida. Mr. Woods surfaced right after 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time—a time when we're usually tucking into an hour of Dr. Oz and a box of Dove bars—to stand before a velvety blue curtain seemingly purchased off Craigslist from Conan O'Brien
But even with the networks treating it soberly and sotto voce like a lunar landing or an inauguration, The Tiger Apology was pretty goofy. This was 21st-century personal humiliation, carefully managed, manicured, and administered for maximum global impact. After three months of mystery, Mr. Woods was no longer laying low. Somewhere, Don Draper was smoking a Lucky, rolling his eyes in disgust.
It was a Tiger Slam of regret. After five minutes, we expected Mr. Woods to apologize for tape-delaying the men's downhill on NBC, and for Johnny Weir's stingy score in the long program.
There have been oodles of celebrity scandals, but there's never been a case just like Mr. Woods's, certainly not in such a turbocharged gossip era. There is no template, no "Hugh Grant" strategy. The whole thing is deeply weird; there's disgust but fascination; severe consequences but no crime. We don't even think Donald Trump knows what to do—and he knows everything.
But after a few awkward hugs, Mr. Woods is gone again, back behind Conan O'Brien's blue curtain, to more private rehabilitation and his self-inflicted life of mystery.
I'd replace that last word with misery...

And yet....over 130,501 voted and 65% thought his apology was sincere.....sixty-five percent.

[ame="http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/polls"]SportsNation Polls - SportsNation - ESPN[/ame]

This is sounding more and more like the media incredibly pissed because they could ask questions like "positions", "where were the rendevous" and things of that nature....

..real journalism at it's best....
She deserves to know....but not from the media. Either Tiger or a close friend....but not Page 6 of the New York Post. AGAIN...it is not the medias business to inform someone of wrong doing IF IT AIN'T ILLEGAL! The media is NOT supposed to be in the business of being the morality police.
If you agree she deserves to know, why does it matter from whom the news came?? :confused: Your claim of Tiger (yeah right, now THAT'S funny!!) or a friend breaking the news would make sense if it were one of those examples we all hear about where the affair was already over and the person at fault had already realized the error of their ways. In this case, the affairs were still active, hell, he was still communicating with one of them the night of "The Crash"!!

I never said he was naive to think that. But if you keep showing their face CONSTANTLY on TV, you don't honestly think they weren't gonna want a piece of the pie do you?
Again, you well know that his harem had dollar signs in their eyes when they met him. You can't really think that when their names were mentioned after the affairs broke was the first time they thought about getting paid off... :eek:
If you agree she deserves to know, why does it matter from whom the news came?? :confused: Your claim of Tiger (yeah right, now THAT'S funny!!) or a friend breaking the news would make sense if it were one of those examples we all hear about where the affair was already over and the person at fault had already realized the error of their ways. In this case, the affairs were still active, hell, he was still communicating with one of them the night of "The Crash"!!

That 1st sentence says alot. That is all I am gonna say.:(

Again, you well know that his harem had dollar signs in their eyes when they met him. You can't really think that when their names were mentioned after the affairs broke was the first time they thought about getting paid off... :eek:

I have been around enough professional athletes to know the difference between a groupie that wants to "bag an elephant"(a phrase commonly used by groupies) and a groupie looking for bank. And from what I have read, most just wanted to bag an elephant.
That 1st sentence says alot. That is all I am gonna say.:(
Good, I'm glad we agree on that because you sure as hell know neither Tiger or his "inner circle" had the balls to come forward. :up And I doubt Elin's firiends or family knew about it. If they did shame on them for not telling her.

Since you like to use examples, put yourself in Elin's shoes. If your wife was having an affair, wouldn't you want to know and why would it matter who ulitmately told you about it??

I have been around enough professional athletes to know the difference between a groupie that wants to "bag an elephant"(a phrase commonly used by groupies) and a groupie looking for bank. And from what I have read, most just wanted to bag an elephant.
This one shut it down when she didn't get any $$ from Eldrick. I'm sure she's not alone....

Jungers said she was financially struggling during the relationship, and continued living with an ex-fiance after they had broken up because she was “not financially stable enough to move out and be on my own.” She told Vieira she had a heart-to-heart talk with her mother, who told her, “If he is really interested in you, then he will show it.”

“The one time out of the whole year and a half I was with Tiger, I asked him, ‘Can you please help me out?’ ” Jungers told Vieira. “I didn’t give him a dollar amount, I didn’t say, ‘Can you buy me a house?’ I wasn’t specific about what I needed, but I did say, ‘Can you help me out?’

“He said, ‘I can’t,’ ” Jungers continued. “I said, ‘I don’t understand.’ I thought maybe he was joking. I was already embarrassed to ask about it. He said, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t.’ And that’s when I told him, ‘That shows to me how much I mean to you, and I can’t do this anymore. I’m already in a rough position in my life, and I have more drama and that’s what I don’t need.’ ”

Admitted Tiger mistress: No $, only heartbreak - TODAY People
I'm confused. You're blaming the media for not allowing this whole thing to just go away quietly?? Did you help Eldrick write yesterday's speech??

The media should be commended since they are at least partly responsible for exposing him and ending his affairs, at least for now. Supposedly, inquiries by the media are what got Elin poking around in his cell phone, discovering what was going on and lead to the events the night of "The Crash". If it wasn't for the media, God only knows what Eldrick's bimbo count would be up to now...

:up My thoughts exactly. If Tiger keeps his driver in the bag, the media wouldn't have anything to report on in the first place!
A-Rod is the perfect example. His legacy is tarnished forever. ;)


We are not talking about legacy....we were talking about sponsors. EVERYONE in the 90s to early 2000 will be associated with it whether they took or didn't take.

...legacy is for ANOTHER thread....:rolleyes:;)
:up My thoughts exactly. If Tiger keeps his driver in the bag, the media wouldn't have anything to report on in the first place!

IF the media stuck to sports and the crime blotter....they wouldn't hounding Tiger and his family.;)

THIS is not news that should be on the sports or news pages....
We are not talking about legacy....we were talking about sponsors. EVERYONE in the 90s to early 2000 will be associated with it whether they took or didn't take.

...legacy is for ANOTHER thread....:rolleyes:;)

I'm talking about Tiger Woods's legacy...in THIS thread. Sorry. This is not a Tiger Woods Sponsor Thread...

You can talk about sponsors if you like too, I don't mind...I'm not going to tell anyone what they can and cannot post about. :rolleyes:

And while this whole baseball era will be tainted, A-Rod will be judged MUCH more harshly than those who do not turn up on any steroids lists. ;)

Tiger Woods's legacy is also tarnished forever.

IF the media stuck to sports and the crime blotter....they wouldn't hounding Tiger and his family.;)

THIS is not news that should be on the sports or news pages....

But by blaming the media is like blaming a detective for solving a murder case! Where's the personal accountability?
I'm talking about Tiger Woods's legacy...in THIS thread. Sorry. This is not a Tiger Woods Sponsor Thread...

You can talk about sponsors if you like too, I don't mind...I'm not going to tell anyone what they can and cannot post about. :rolleyes:

And while this whole baseball era will be tainted, A-Rod will be judged MUCH more harshly than those who do not turn up on any steroids lists. ;)

Tiger Woods's legacy is also tarnished forever.


I am not a betting man....But I am willing to bet that IF Tiger comes back at 2/3rds of what he was a golfer...His Legacy will be that he is one of the greatest golfers ever. Yeah, they will mention his little "controversy"....like litterally EVERY SINGLE professional has had....but it will NOT be his legacy.

Let's compare apples to apples here....ONE has something to do with his performance at HIS game/profession. The OTHER has something to do with his personal life. This is NOT OJ Sumpson here.....:rolleyes:

Example, how many folks are still talking about Kobe's incident ?! And that was TONS worse than what Tiger has done.

...unless you think cheating on a sponse is worse than attempted rape?
But by blaming the media is like blaming a detective for solving a murder case! Where's the personal accountability?

Jesus, Mary and Joseph.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am blaming the media for the harrassment of the family. Harrass Tiger....but camping out at the kids day care and hounding the wife and Tiger's mom with Bullsh!t questions like 'how do you feel about what Tiger did?' I mean REALLY, how DO you think they feel? How would YOU feel if your wife cheated on YOU and the media was hounding her with that question....?!! As if the media DOES NOT know how she would feel.... And tell me, honestly, do you really and truly think she was gonna respond? Or were they looking for some response like her flipping them the bird or telling them to "f**k-off"?

Come on HD....you are a sharp guy, you know MUCH better than that.....:confused:
I am not a betting man....But I am willing to bet that IF Tiger comes back at 2/3rds of what he was a golfer...His Legacy will be that he is one of the greatest golfers ever. Yeah, they will mention his little "controversy"....like litterally EVERY SINGLE professional has had....but it will NOT be his legacy.

Read my post, I didn't say THAT would be his legacy, I said greatest golfer or no greatest golfer, his legacy is forever tarnished.

And EVERY SINGLE professional does not have this kind of controversy. False statement.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am blaming the media for the harrassment of the family. Harrass Tiger....but camping out at the kids day care and hounding the wife and Tiger's mom with Bullsh!t questions like 'how do you feel about what Tiger did?' I mean REALLY, how DO you think they feel? How would YOU feel if your wife cheated on YOU and the media was houding her with that question....?!! As if the media DOES NOT know how she would feel.... And tell me, honestly, do you really and truly think she was gonna respond? Or were they looking for some response like her flipping them the bird or telling them to "f**k-off"?

Come on HD....you are a sharp guy, you know MUCH better than that.....:confused:

I agree. The media can get a little out of control on big juicy stories such as this. My only point is this: Tiger should've known what was at stake if caught. He has no one but himself to blame for this mess.
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